Landscapes take 3 + years to look good, on average. Most gardens get stuck in the '+'.
Unfinished, this garden is ready for showtime. Those pallets of stone, above, MAKE the garden, below. Ha, no plants, yet a garden is born. Why?
Landscape Design 'listens' to the site.
The biggest focal point in a garden? Your home. Vanishing Threshold..
Consider: paint colors, light fixtures, shutters, doors, views into windows, turning windows into doors, getting rid of disgusting foundation plantings, pathways to move the eye + foot thru your garden, land stewardship, how to be in the garden for pleasure (tea-wine-canapes-luncheon-reading ipad-etc.), historical concepts of landscape design, thriftiness, no watering once established, no chemicals ever, no fertilizing once organically stabilized, groundcovers instead of mulch, succession planting, something coming into bloom throughout the year, canopy trees, understory trees, evergreen walls, & more.
Consider all of the above & you won't wait 3 years, or 3 seconds, for a beautiful garden.
Proof is in the pics above.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Look at the new frontdoor again. See what I did? Took out the transom, replaced with a taller door. Getting rid of that subdivisiony horrendous aspect, ca. 1970's, of windows/door at same height. Guess how we chose the color for the frontdoor? (Another post.)
Eco Gardening is a SMALL concept. Vanishing Threshold is how I create a garden.
(Puppet Barbuda has zero attitude, she's all PUPPET'ude !)