There has never been a time these boats, below, have not been in my DNA.
Why not take them for granted? And, the men who kept them going.
From age 3 reveling in their elegance & decrepitude.
Sounds of water, lapping the sides in their slips. the smell of their engines, mixed with salt water.
Their beauty an act of Providence, the hand of man required to maintain.
Constant battle.
Money, sweat, blood, beauty, JOY.
None are left, though a tiny portion of this boat, below, maintains a hint of what I've hunted all my life.
By the time I learned to ride a bike, I road to the marina, below, most days until I left for college at 17.
In the
NASA Roundup, Dad found one of these old boats for sale. Age 7, life was finally turning a corner. One of these boats would be ours. Mom would have none of it.
Many friend's families had 1 of these boats. Every invitation to go onto the big waters of Galveston Bay refused. Mom would have none of it.
Never, to this day, have I been on one of these boats. Virginia Woolf foretold my story,
Too The Lighthouse. And, to this day, when I visit my parents, I speed walk to the little marina, remembering different times and different boats, and the men who kept them running. These newer engines don't smell as strong but the salt water is the same.
Still yearning to go in that door, below. However, now, life thrives on my side of this door. Julien Fellowes,
Gosford Park, portrayed it perfectly,
Where does this rabbit hole go? This month I've told 3 clients I want them to do the blowing in certain areas in their garden. Not because I want them to do maintenance. It's for the relationship, for thriving, for Providence. To receive exponentially more than they give.
I know the depths of what the Poverty Cycle enriches us with.
None of them have liked the idea. Each had about the same expression on their face! However, each has agreed, for awhile, to do as I ask. Trusting from where my request has come from.
If you can thrive on the outside of the doors you seek, you're rich beyond measure.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Top pic,
here, rest of the pics I took last month. How many of you caught the faint echo of
Enchanted April with, "...different times and different boats." Studying historic gardens across Europe it didn't take long to realize it was the Poverty Cycles producing the greatest beauty. Of course, The Poverty Cycle in Landscape Design, is one of my inventions. And, more proof it's quite a delight living outside the doors I thought I would be living within.
Providence knew where I should be. Accepting that gift has been the making of my life.
For a beautiful garden & home filling you with joy, become my client, local/on-line.
Award winning speaker, hire me for your group, local/out-of-state.
Tara Dillard & Associates Design: farm to city pied-a-terre.
Construction by Award Winning
NOTE to my gardening friends... look for changes to come.
Knew before computers/cell phones, sitting in Atlanta traffic on way to a client, 'I must reach a larger audience with the same amount of effort.' Soon after that epiphany I signed my CBS-TV, and, books contracts on the same day.
Then I read an article in the NYTimes about something called 'blogging'. Saved the article for a year before reading it. Studied all the blogs they mentioned, hired a computer expert they quoted, and attended a blogging seminar.
Blogging 2.0 has arrived, my knowledge is 1.0. A believer in copying the best historic gardens across the globe it flows into every arena of life. Watching Maria Killam grow her career/blog/life over the past 3 years made its impact. Signed up for a year's course with her blogging expert, Jon Morrow.
Changes will be slow, plodding is my adored method. Pulling triggers here/there is spice in the mix.
What do YOU want?
Nothing is too small, too big, or too ego crushing to mention.
Passion lies in sharing what has filled me to the depths of grace, joy & atonement, the best landscapes created over the last 2,000+ years.
Just so you know...
I welcome your input.