Necessities of life delighting me in other gardens. Gravel, chair, hydrangeas-roses-sasanqua-boxwood, collection of old watering cans.

Of course I designed them into my garden.

Provocateurs of epiphany.

And beauty.

Filled with rainwater from the same storms killing-destroying in North Carolina, Chinese snowball petals fragrant at the top end of new decay.

Always, on to the next season. Always.
Always, leaving this season. Always.
Frisson, more delightful & engaging than perfection, to me.
What is delightful to you in a garden? It's this simple, yes, to design delight into your garden.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics from my Potager this week.
And the dust I washed off my patio yesterday came before your SE rain and tornadoes. After I sat out on the patio, reading, Crimson Sage flowers danced, and hummingbirds pollinating them.
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter. Lots of rain. Old Watering Cans. Greenery.
- Joy
Fallen flower petals in the watering can, such a familiar sight, warms the gardener's heart!
delightful to me is the color and beauty and life
Whimsy, that's what delights me in a garden!
Provocateurs of epiphany- I LOVE this- it might have to be the title of a painting......
what is delightful to me in a garden? Happy accidents- a broken pot becoming garden edging, a foxglove twisting and turning trying to find sun from underneath my greedy rose and of course all the signs that even while we're in the midst of spring, summer is not far behind with ginger lilies,elephant ears and hydrangeas all preparing for their spot on the stage....ahhh, I love having a garden!
Watching the ever changing life cycle in the garden delights me as does mystery, visual interest and every little surprise.
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