Friday, November 3, 2017

Earthing: Bare Feet on Earth, Why You Need Earthing & The Science of Earthing

Front end of my career in horticulture I lectured at local garden clubs.  Decades later, still lecturing at local garden clubs, in addition to key note lecturing in auditoriums, ballrooms, tents...  Why?  Old school, paying it forward.  I owe the Garden Clubs.
Garden Club ladies 'made' my career.  More, I see & experience what Garden Clubs do for their individual neighborhoods.  What?  Garden Clubs are the last bastion of civility in the tapestry of community.  They keep neighborhoods informed of police activity, new/departing neighbors, holiday decorating, neighbors with a major health issue or new baby, often they send cards, bring meals, sponsor a yearly garden tour, have annual all neighborhood party, provide scholarships, maintain entrance signs/landscape and more.
Rare is the Garden Club lecture given, without me learning something new. 
Giving a Garden Club lecture last month, during the Q/A, blessedly, a woman mentioned, walking on Earth barefoot.  She didn't have a lot of knowledge about it but she had bought a book about Earthing, not read yet.
Fruit loopy enough to catch my attention.  A joy to be past the age of perfect knowledge, instead of thinking she was a fruitcake.  Today, had time to look up her cray cray comments about walking on Earth barefoot.

Healing ~ Get your feet in the mud.  Earthing can help you sleep better, feel more calm, find relief from chronic pain, decrease inflammation, and improve blood pressure.
Pic, above, here.
The National Institutes of Health produced, Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth's Surface Electrons. 
"Environmental medicine generally addresses environmental factors with a negative impact on human health. However, emerging scientific research has revealed a surprisingly positive and overlooked environmental factor on health: direct physical contact with the vast supply of electrons on the surface of the Earth. Modern lifestyle separates humans from such contact. The research suggests that this disconnect may be a major contributor to physiological dysfunction and unwellness. Reconnection with the Earth's electrons has been found to promote intriguing physiological changes and subjective reports of well-being. Earthing (or grounding) refers to the discovery of benefits—including better sleep and reduced pain—from walking barefoot outside or sitting, working, or sleeping indoors connected to conductive systems that transfer the Earth's electrons from the ground into the body. This paper reviews the earthing research and the potential of earthing as a simple and easily accessed global modality of significant clinical importance. "  Full article, here

 Learn the benefits of earthing and how simple it is to reconnect to the earth. #health #earthing #grounding
Pic, above, here.

The Earth Beneath Your Feet (Part 1): Why Going Barefoot May Boost Your Health and Beauty (and Dirt Just Might Act as a Giant Antioxidant), by Sara Gottfried, MD.

"Is “Earthing” Totally Woo-Woo Pseudoscience?

It’s called earthing because some scientists theorize that to stay healthy, particularly with all the stray electrons we’re exposed to from constant smart phone and computer use to insulation from our cars and shoes from earth energy, our bodies need a daily charge from mild electrical currents surging through the earth’s surface.
Think of yourself as a walking talking battery-powered device. You need to plug into the earth to keep all your systems charged and running at optimum levels, particularly your adrenal glands and how they are managed by your brain signals (and burned out by stress).  Hey, it works for your phone and your toothbrush… why not the human body?
Sometimes called grounding, you can also accomplish the task by swimming in salt water. Just like electrical connections in our homes need to be grounded, so do we.  Otherwise we go all haywire and the results can be major mood tankers such as: chronic pain, sleep issues, endocrine imbalances, depression, anxiety and possibly even mood swings and weight problems.  Even the aging process itself."  Full article, here
 The benefits of earthing, and a review of Juil earthing shoes.
Pic, above, here.

 Healing with earth energy. Download a powerful meditation for deep emotional healing at Perfect for transforming pain into peace and wisdom, healing grief and connecting to your true self. It's free!
Pic, above, here.
From, David Benjamin,

By walking barefoot we experience multiple benefits that we don’t receive either at all or nearly as much by walking with shoes. One of the more obvious benefits of walking barefoot is that we have a connection to the earth and it’s magnetic field. Our body is conductive to the earth and the earth is conductive to our body. The earth is full of negative ions and we flood our body with negative ions by walking barefoot, this is also known as ‘earthing’ or grounding. A great book to read to learn more about this is the book Earthing by: Clinton Ober.
We need negative ions, especially in today’s world. Positive ions are more abundant in cities and anywhere near electronics and electro-magnetic frequencies. Think your cell phone, laptop, tablet, television, cell phone towers, microwave etc. Basically anything with a power source that emits a signal, bluetooth, wifi, even electronics that don’t emit a signal still emit positive ions. Because we live in a world of positive ions and disconnect ourselves from the earth’s natural negative ion field we are flooding our body with pro-inflammatory positive ions caused by the electronics and gadgets around us."  Full article, here
More from this Author 
David Benjamin is the founder of He's a health and & green living advocate. He is the author of Dirt Cheap Weight Loss: 101 Ways To Lose Weight On A Budget. He believes that if we take care of ourselves and take care of our planet we can enjoy a much more sustainable, healthy, happy and harmonious life. Eat your greens, Live green and appreciate the green around you! Pura Vida :)You can connect with me on FacebookYoutubePinterest and Instagram.

 Walk barefoot On earth ‘Earthing’ or grounding as commonly known, involves placing the feet to the ground directly without a barrier of socks or shoes.
Pic, above, here.

 High Flying Vibrations | Raising your vibration one post at a time
Pic, above, here.

 Repost🌸Follow @universecosmopolite🐝🐝Walking barefoot even for 5 minutes a day is very beneficial for your health. Make sure your feet are touching the actual earth or sand (not pavement) and shuffle your feet as you walk for maximum health benefits. Contacting the Earth physically will help the body shed the build up energy from cell phones, computers, TVs..anything electrical and it will absorb healthy grounding Earth energy. Within 5 minutes (though 20 mins is ideal) you will feel muc...
Pic, above, here.
Welcome to Earthing & Grounding.
Exciting to discover the science for what I've done, as a primal need, since earliest memory, playing on the Earth.  Explains what I did moving from my 30 year home/garden.  Began crying at a restaurant during dinner, day before closing.  Crying became intolerable, had to leave restaurant, Beloved sure I'd lost it.  I had.  In the car all I could say, between sobs, Take me to the mountain, Take me to the mountain, Let me out at the walk-up trail.  Smart man, performed as requested.  I knew the only place I could stop crying was to lay flat on my back, on Stone Mountain.  Pure granite.  Under the stars & moon, laying on Stone Mountain, I cried, sobs.  Did not know a person could do such crying, nor almost an hour of sobs.  I was Earthing/Grounding in its most literal sense.  .
Explains my walking around Stone Mountain 3-6x/week the entire 33 years living in Atlanta.  Earthing.  Needing the ion exchange, without having the science or terminology.
Ha, who is laughing now?
If you've read this far, you got the science of Earthing/Grounding.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Blossom from Your Roots

"Those who deny their roots won't blossom."  Dave Weinbaum
More than roots of family, roots of your soul's joy, grace, peace must blossom.
In your landscape, will I know who you are, to your roots?
Ironically, to those who love you, a high percentage anyway, will be afraid of your blossoming.  In whatever form/root you choose to blossom.  Take that to the bank, stick a fork in it, a stinker when haters-gonna-hate arrives at your doorstep from 'loved ones'.  Truly, in the full epoch of your life, failure to blossom in the landscape, because of a 'loved one' ?

Pic, above, here.  Snyders, Frans--Bodegon.
Visited a friend's garden last month, hadn't been there in YEARS.  A joy of time/place/camaraderie.  She's done so much, some in frustration without full blossom.  Her husband at the root of that.  Quickly told her of Beloved's 'No Zone'.  My belief it is a 'man' thing, not specific to a certain man, just men liking their comfort zone, and control.  Encounter it often, too often, the manly, 'No Zone'.  Not a bad thing, just a thing that 'is'.
She loved it.  Hugged me, said she was so relieved I put up with it too, the 'No Zone'.  She thought she was in this No Zone boat, alone.  Not !
How do I deal with the No Zone?  Deeply considered Landscape plans, shared once vision quested, then pay for what I want myself.  Ha, that pay wall thing.  Follow the money.
Another friend's garden visited this year, a new home and landscape.  Something worse than a partner's No Zone is happening.  Alas, this is haters-gonna-hate, witnessed several times thru the years.  My friend has encountered cutting remarks about their new beautiful/fabulous garden/home from several long-time friends, several.  Obviously, those friendships much thinner to gone.  Sadly, witnessing this scenario happens about once in 4-5 years with clients/friends.  Haters-gonna-hate the jealousy version.
Mention this only because I see it occur, and to those experiencing it, you probably think it is only you, you're somehow at fault.  Nope.
All of this, inspired by the floral arrangement, above.  I have zero skills for floral design, it's its own world of skill/talent.  However, this floral arrangement I can do, antique bowl included.  My budget has never allowed for such a bowl, however, I do have similar old bowls from thrift stores, junk shops.  All  with cracks/chips.  Love cracks/chips, I can afford them.
Not allowing myself to blossom, for lack of vision questing or $$$, not an option.  I adore people who blossom.  Being in bud is as pleasurable as blossoming.
Garden & Be Well,   XO T         
A client many years ago, huge home, huge property, had a No Zone husband, didn't want her to work, or garden.  Her plan of attack to blossom in her garden?  She worked for cash for a neighbor, paid cash for what she wanted in the garden.  The garden bills her husband paid?  Poor man, he honestly thought the incredible garden cost what he paid.  Their entire neighborhood, sans the men, knew how her garden was paid for.  Old story, clients both passed away....  Hope this isn't too much truth...  Indeed, I have garden stories NOT to be told here.  That's why my Conservatory in the garden for lunch, or later with wine/canapes quite the delight.  Small groups.  Stories I have, and oh my, better, the stories I'm told. 

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Sourcing for the Seasons: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years

Creating a container, or several, for the upcoming holidays.  With beauty, and without angst.
Ingredients easily transposed to what you can source.  Sourcing includes what is 'found' and what is purchased. 
Focus on the shape of your container/s, and the silhouette of your arrangement.  Shapes to copy, below.  Not your traditional garden container shapes/plantings, more, taking from the realm of Florists.
Winter Container Garden Ideas
Pic, above, here.
Containers, above/below, expensive, even sourced 2nd hand.  Broaden your scope, retaining visions of these, yet transposing to finds at thrift store, junk shop, side of the road on garbage pick-up day.

 Winter Container Garden Ideas
Pic, above, here.

Pic, above, here.
Adore this Halloween party, above.  Pure stage decorating, feels like a true Birthday party celebration for hallowed souls....
Transposing, above, I've already sourced velvety & feathered red cardinals to set upon branches sprayed white, going up just after Thanksgiving, and remaining thru New Years.  Branches from my woodland, and those cardinals sourced at dollar store.  Two for a dollar to be exact.
Easy.  I like pretty, and easy.  And the fun of the hunt.
Garden & Be Well,    XO T
Top 2 pics look like Deborah Silver's work, but didn't see her credited. 

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Modernity of Historic Garden Design: More You

Shoes, below, centuries old.

1750-1800, the Netherlands - Mules - Silk damask, leather
Pic, above, here.
Garden Design, below, centuries old.

Heijlo, 1789, Archief Alkmaar, flickr
Pic, above, here.
Shoes & Garden 'read' modern.
"..that when ages grow to civility and elegancy, men come to build stately sooner than to garden finely, as if gardening were the greater perfection."  Lord Bacon, written centuries ago. 
Discovering this Dutch Garden Design, above, I was excited to discovered who designed it.  A new talent?  Who could this be?  Simple, elegant, functional.
Instead, centuries old.  So modern, it feels like a conversation, no, a new friend and discussion about Garden Design. 
Why is it a new gardener is convinced they will recreate the wheel of Garden Design?  That would be me, decades ago.  Now?  Blessed to have left that persona in the rubbish heap.  More, with a knowing smile, not persona, ego.  Counterintuitively, historic Garden Design is about becoming more 'you'.  A proscenium for your life.
Garden & Be Well,   XO T 

Friday, October 27, 2017

Engine of Providence

Low Tara Turf, below.  From 1st meeting adored its charm, character, function.  Here, perfectly balanced with formal pruning, canopy, open, woodland beyond.
Did you immediately understand all these things too?

Âme vagabonde
Pic, above, here.
Oddly, decades after falling deeply for Tara Turf, an epiphany.
More than 'aesthetics', pure function.  Engine of Providence.
Tara Turf next to canopy/understory are maximum pollinator habitat.
My adoration/desire no different than the attraction a bee has for flowers.  None.
Life at its most basic.
Tara Turf, indeed.  Drama. Bees have known, since bees have been.
Maximum pollinator habitat can increase crop yields by 80%, do the math.
Garden & Be Well,     XO T


TARA TURF, in GA, is a mix of grass-moss-clover-mondo-ajuga-dandelion--mazus-and what the wind blows in. Add crocus, dwarf daffodil, thyme if desired.
TARA TURF is mowed at 1-2-3 heights, below. Beneficial to wildlife, organic, sustainable, fragrant, low maintenance, eco and only uses rainwater.

                           Pic, above, I shot at Sissinghurst.

TARA TURF, mixed heights, above, in England.
Studying landscapes in Europe I noticed, NO LAWNS. TARA TURF is used commercially and residentially.
New neighborhoods lack smell and mixed insects. Did you know there are more good bugs than bad bugs?
Old neighborhoods smell like my childhood. Clover, grass, bugs, dirt, all the good things.
Most new neighborhoods have deed restrictions outlawing TARA TURF.
TARA TURF, I shot, in England, above.
The outlaw label, against TARA TURF, should be amusing but the stakes are too high.
The cost of mow-blow-go is too high. Lawn mowers are not regulated. One hour of lawn mowing is equal to 11 hours of driving a car.
Fertilizer, insecticide & fungicide kill machorizal fungi, and are toxic to groundwater.
 TARA TURF, I shot, in Italy, above.
And drain into groundwater. Atrazine in our drinking water was on the front page of NY Times 8-23-09. TARA TURF uses no chemicals.
Yes, I design lawns. Preferring TARA TURF but using what deed restrictions require. 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Edward Slingerland: Wu-Wei in the Garden

Most requested by clients/students?  "I don't want to spend a lot of money, it must have little maintenance."  This is what I know for sure.  Replying in detailed response to that pair of demands, via Gardenese language, no one accepts, no one.  From those who have asked, of course.
"Wonder, and its expression in poetry and the arts, are among the most important things which seem to distinguish men from other animals, and intelligent and sensitive people from morons."  Alan Watts, The Way of Zen.
"Things become complicated only when we think about them."  Alan Watts.

Shanks House in Cucklington - Somerset, England
Pic, above, here.
"Trying to force a lock bends the key.  For which reason a truly intelligent man never forces an issue."  Alan Watts.  (I must try harder to prevent bent-key-thinking.  Better, when bent-key-thinking intrudes into my life, from another, "I'm not listening to your bent-key-thinking.")
"To have faith is to trust yourself to the water.  When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown.  Instead you relax and float."  Alan Watts.
Wielding this style Garden Design, above, rich, humorous, humbling.  Further along the Garden Design archetype than whence begun.  Few immune to the Garden Design archetypes path.  Nothing new, existed well before cuneiform records.
Humorous?  Simplicity, above, gives you, you.  Richest construct in your life, you.
"We have allowed brain thinking to develop and dominate our lives.  As a consequence, we are at war within ourselves.  The brain desiring things which the body does not want, and the body desiring things which the brain does not allow; the brain giving directions which the body will not follow, and the body giving impulses which the brain cannot "  Alan Watts.
Funny?  In my garden, there is no 'me'.  In my garden, my body hears what my brain cannot.  In my garden, I am gone, with the body remaining present.  Follow your bliss, find where you experience eternity here, Joseph Campbell truths.  In my garden there is no me, no time, no hunger, no tiredness, no awareness of bruising/bleeding, no sense of want, no fear, expansive joy.  Deeper, at the conclusion of being in my garden, answers arrived to questions known, and unknown, ahead of being in my garden.  Epiphanies from spirit, without fear.
Seek presence over productivity.  Gaining maximum productivity, though not sought.  .
"All to easily, we confuse the world as we symbolize it with the world as it is."  Alan Watts. 
Before I had a language describing being in my garden I labeled it, "The best selfishness ever."  After a few years realized it is grace.  How could it not be grace?  Epiphanies too many, too potent, life changing.  Bounty of resources, from garden epiphanies, beyond measure.  Into the realm of E.M.Forster describing a multi-millionaire woman, one of his characters, as having no 'resources'.  Interesting.  Letting go, giving up control, is a resource. 
"The brainy modern loves not matter but measures, no solids but surfaces."  Alan Watts. 
There are places to "Transcend our futile strategies for controlling life and surrender to its living essence."  In the garden, merely one. 
"We have been taught to believe that the best way to achieve our goals is to reason about them carefully and strive consciously to reach them. Unfortunately, in many areas of life this is terrible advice. Many desirable states — happiness, attractiveness, spontaneity — are best pursued indirectly, and conscious thought and effortful striving can actually interfere with their attainment."  Edward Slingerland
Your act of choice, is my Garden Design writing.  Write an article about how to dig a hole?  No longer do I confuse the map for the territory, noise for signal.  Though I'm wicked good about digging a hole with a shovel or auger attached to a Caterpillar.  Pure noise, how to dig a hole if you're wanting a good garden, you in your Garden is signal territory.
For the early Chinese thinkers … the culmination of knowledge is understood, not in terms of grasping a set of abstract principles, but rather as entering a state of wu-wei. The goal is to acquire the ability to move through the physical and social world in a manner that is completely spontaneous and yet fully in harmony with the proper order of the natural and human worlds (the Dao or “Way”). Because of this focus on knowing how rather than knowing this or that, the Chinese tradition has spent a great deal of energy over the past two thousand years exploring the interior, psychological feel of wu-wei, worrying about the paradox at the heart of it, and developing a variety of behavioral techniques to get around it. The ideal person in early China is more like a well-trained athlete or cultivated artist than a dispassionate cost-benefit analyzer."  Edward Slinglerland     
"Our excessive focus in the modern world on the power of conscious thought and the benefits of willpower and self-control causes us to overlook the pervasive importance of what might be called “body thinking”: tacit, fast, and semiautomatic behavior that flows from the unconscious with little or no conscious interference. The result is that we too often devote ourselves to pushing harder or moving faster in areas of our life where effort and striving are, in fact, profoundly counterproductive."  Edward Slingerland. 
Clients with gardens getting-there the fastest?  All women, ages 40+, and a gay couple who travel the globe for their work, and are 30+/50+. 
"Some of the most elusive objects of our incessant pursuits are happiness and spontaneity, both of which are strikingly resistant to conscious pursuit."  Maria Popova
Wu-wei literally translates as “no trying” or “no doing,” but it’s not at all about dull inaction. In fact, it refers to the dynamic, effortless, and unselfconscious state of mind of a person who is optimally active and effective. People in wu-wei feel as if they are doing nothing, while at the same time they might be creating a brilliant work of art, smoothly negotiating a complex social situation, or even bringing the entire world into harmonious order. For a person in wu-wei, proper and effective conduct follows as automatically as the body gives in to the seductive rhythm of a song. This state of harmony is both complex and holistic, involving as it does the integration of the body, the emotions, and the mind. If we have to translate it, wu-wei is probably best rendered as something like “effortless action” or “spontaneous action.” Being in wu-wei is relaxing and enjoyable, but in a deeply rewarding way that distinguishes it from cruder or more mundane pleasures."  Edward Slingerland.
"We’re drawn to people with wu-wei, Slingerland argues, because we inherently trust the automatic, unconscious mind due to a simple fact from the psychology of trust — because spontaneity is hard to fake, we intuit that spontaneous people are authentic and thus trustworthy. But Western thought has suffered from centuries of oppressive dualism, treating intuition and the intellect as separate and often conflicting faculties — a toxic myth that limits us as a culture and as individuals. Fortunately, Slingerland points out, recent decades have brought a more embodied view of cognition acknowledging the inextricable link between thought and feeling and debunking, as Ray Bradbury so eloquently did, the false divide between emotion and rationality. (We’ve seen, too, that metaphorical thinking is central to our cognitive development, and metaphor is itself rooted in emotion.) The Chinese tradition, on the other hand, has a millennia-long history of cultivating a more integrated model of the human experience...Maria Popova .
If you haven't discovered Maria Popova yet, you're going to be glad you have now.
Letting go, and finding eternity, in the garden, has made my life.  Those in my tribe, share this joy.  This is your garden.  Not me writing about when to deadhead your peonies. 
Within each Garden Design, from a historic template, wu-wei/grace/abiding, is the bonus.  Guaranteed. 
Garden & Be Well,   XO T

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Bunny Mellon: The Weeded Stone Terrace

Do you know, below, what you're looking at?
Seeing stone terraces with 'weeds' in the cracks, was a moth-to-a-flame epiphany.  "Got it", immediately.  Never saw a stone terrace with 'weeds', by choice, in USA, discovered them studying historic gardens across Europe. 
Soon after discovery, learned 'why' they originated.  WWI took most of the labor force for home/farm.  Stone terraces had been pristine, maintained yearly, with repointing between the stones.  No labor, no repointing, 'weeds'.  Of course decades had passed before my epiphany and those 'weeds' in stone terraces across Europe were mostly Lady's Mantle.  WWI created a new Garden Design conceit. 
A few years had to pass for my stone terrace budget to align with wanting a stone terrace.  Once the stone terrace was installed, another 3-4 years passed getting the variety of  'weeds' perfected. 
That stone terrace was hedged with Tea Olives, the Tea Olive Terrace.  Gave me years of joy, now, moved into a ca. 1900 home for 2 years, I miss my Tea Olive Terrace as I would a dear friend.     

Friendly Weeds
Pic, above, Oak Spring Garden Foundation.
Before I moved, Vanity Fair had a garden article with a stone terrace filled with weeds.  Almost an exact replica of my Tea Olive Terrace.  Who is this person?  Had to know.  This was my introduction to Bunny Mellon.
Bunny is the only gardener in America I know of to purposefully design/install a stone terrace with 'weeds' too.
The weeded terrace.  Takes 'weeded' to a new level. 
Later, another epiphany arrived. Unbeknownst to me, adding 'weeds' to a stone terrace increases pollinator habitat, in a zone already rife for pollinators, high density with low density. 
Garden & Be Well,    XOT
No worries, well aware a weeded terrace is a love it or must get rid of the weeds venue.  Heart on my sleeve for weeds in stone.  Even if Bunny wasn't good company for loving a weeded terrace, the beauty and pollinators are more than enough joy.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Landscape Choices

Choices from the heart, below.  Why so rare?

Pic, above, here.
"Honesty has a power that very few people can handle."  Anon.
 Basic Crone Attitude: "...I no longer put things in my stomach to please other people..." "By the time one reaches a certain age, one should be able, as Marianne Moore said, 'to have the courage of one's peculiarities'." in "Against Wind and Tide" - Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Don't Wish Me Happiness. I Don't Expect to be Happy All The Time... It's Gotten Beyond That Somehow. Wish Me Courage and Strength and a Good Sense of Humor. I Will Need Them All

Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Truth--I always feel like I need to apologize or make up some fiction to cover the fact that I'm not actually doing anything they might consider "important", but which is actually crucially important for my sanity.

#INTJ #Capricorn #Female                                                                                                                                                                                 More
Make the choices for the garden in your heart.  Manifest.  Live.
Garden & Be Well,    XO T

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Color: Counterintuitive Paint Trim

Happy charmer, below.  Makes me want to go inside. 
See a change, an easy change too, making the roof higher and house taller?
Once I tell you the change, you won't believe me.
But, true nonetheless.

Front door paint colour in green. Curb appeal with blue siding #colorhunters #curbappeal
Pic, above, here.
Paint the trim at roof line, a tone darker than the siding or a darker tone from the roofing material.  Seems counterintuitive.
White jumps forward, and pulls down, at roof line.  Darker tones heighten a home by a 1', or more.  Promise.
Can't finish without mentioning the 'Welcome' sign.  Banal.  Dinky is Stinky.
Especially here.  The front door is screaming 'Welcome !' with incredible class & elegance.  Why diminish that impact?
Be wary putting words into your garden.  Can be done well, but with care.
Favorite sign in a garden?  Tea Room & Toilets .
Garden & Be Well,    XO T
More rabbit holes in this photo.  Those delicious lights, too perfect.  But, that is gardening.  Layers of delight here.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Mastering the Art of Garden Design: Not What You Think

At the front end of planning your garden, from personal experience, if there is a problem with the outcome, those problems reside in you, not the garden.
Assumptions about where to begin, "What plants will I have?", wildly, achingly, charmingly, sweetly, misplaced.  Going a step further, I did, decades ago, realized my initial assumptions beyond arrogant.  Worse, arrogance aimed at Nature.  There for me to wield.  Ha.
Before we have language, we see Nature.  For most that unspoken language, remains throughout life.  Seeing through a glass darkly, thinking as a child type of stuff.
Getting the horticulture degree, still, did not unlock the door to creating a beautiful garden, understanding Nature's language.  Off to Europe for decades studying historic gardens.  Designing/installing gardens all the while as vocation.  Dots on the Garden Design map emerged, some connected.  Map is not territory. 
Having lunch at a client's farm, decades from my starting dot, standing inside her kitchen, looking through to the potager, a dot, outside the realm of Garden Design, appeared, and connected all the  dots.  The master dot.  Epiphanies are a drug of choice.  This one simple, seen since birth, yet zero comprehension for decades. 
Providence never separated ornamental horticulture from agriculture.  Man's folly, made the separation.  Separation dot date?  Onset of the Industrial Revolution, late 19th century.  Until then we  lived with Nature.  The dot was clear.  Without it, death.
"The eighteenth century was the culmination of thousands of years of agrarian society.  The nineteenth century would bring in the Industrial Revolution to America.  Until then, most societies based their economies on the raising and trading of crops, so nature was always in control.  People measured the work day by the rising and setting of the sun, and one hailstorm or flood could ruin a year's work.  Everyday life was an ongoing struggle against nature.
Historically when people have been able to raise enough crops and food to sustain a comfortable life, they have challenged nature even further by turning their outdoor environment into a living art form, a pleasure garden.  Most societies have even given the garden religious significance.
A garden is a balance between measured, human control on one hand and wild, mystical nature on the other.  It is the place where humans attempt to create their particular vision of an idealized order of nature and culture.  A garden is not just the opposition of unpredictable nature and organized society; it is the mediating space between them.  Human intellect, intuition, nurture, and spirit meld together in a garden.  Since culture shapes both the form and meaning of a garden at a particular place and time....."  Barbara Sarudy, Gardens and Gardening in the Chesapeake, 1700-1805.     

Bernard Hickie Garden & Landscape Design
Pic, above, here.

How little can you have in your Garden Design?  When I design a garden, the last question I ask myself, "What can I take away, and it holds together?"
Inside a garden, above.  Outside a garden, below.
Ironically, at every price point client, I'm told, "I don't want to spend a lot of money.  It must be easy to take care of."  These gardens, above/below.  Get it right.  Macro and micro.  Master dot.  Maximum pollinator habitat exists where hi density meets low density.  No, this garden isn't agriculture for man, it is agriculture for Nature.  Hence, us.
Feed the bees. Without them we perish.  Basic.  Simple.  Nature knows, we forgot.  More to this Nature 'stuff', Barbara Saludy alluded to it richly, above.  Cadence.  Will get to that another day.
Pic, above, here.
One of the most potent Garden Designs you'll see, above.  Tara Turf, meadow mowed at differing heights, with a mix of plantings suitable to the zone, attracting myriad insects, attracting myriad mammals, (reptiles too, love my lizards), in turn attracting different genres of insects, mammals to the hedging and wild wood beyond.  Nature in full cycle, master dot included, high density mixed with low density.  While providing for property value increases, HVAC expense decreases, less maintenance, no chemicals, no irrigation.  Easily maintained with unskilled labor.  Of course the goal is to maintain as much as you can yourself, placing mind/body/soul into Nature's realm, Nature's cadence.  As long as you can.   
Designing gardens, I design simple.  As requested.  After the concept plan, it's normal to receive requests for more 'stuff'.  Here's the negotiation.  Put this plan in first, if you want more later, easy.  Of course the final plan always includes a few of those extras.  If I don't put them in, the client will liberally dose the garden themselves.  Better to be like Barney Fife, Nip It.
With a proper garden design, epiphanies daily.  Epiphanies that will change your life.  How could Nature not do that for you?  Example?  It's almost fall, when the trees drop their leaves, baring themselves naked ahead of winter, they are being fed by what they let go of.
Meditate on that.
Garden & Be Well,   XO T

Friday, October 6, 2017

Front Door

Arriving to the open front door, below, I knew we had chosen well.  The screen door view, marvelous.   

Image may contain: indoor

With the screen door open, below. 

Image may contain: people standing

Ca. 1880 home on the shore of Bar Harbor, Maine. 
With good weather the front door and French doors were left open all day.  Bedroom windows were open too, upstairs/downstairs.  Air off the Atlantic ocean a few yards away, a drug swirling throughout the house.
This space, at your front door, a work horse.  Thru the years I've had a few clients with the perfect foyer, excepting natural light.  Into my Garden Design goes their glass door, matching the existing front door, with glass panels, below.  We source the door, and our carpenter puts in the glass.
Content in a Cottage
Pic, above, here.
Garden & Be Well,    XO T
Staying at Shore Path Cottage, top pics, discovered, leaving, it is next door to the home Beatrix Farrand lived in.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Garden Narrative: 20's vs 50's

Layers of narrative, below.  At the front end of learning Garden Design professionally, mid-20's,  this type of garden, below, equaled the type of home it fronted.    At that front end, this garden was also too simple, too rigid, too formal, too boring, too lacking.  Oh my what 3 decades have wrought.

French. Gravel courtyard. Symmetry. Exterior.
Pic, above, here.
Now I see the narrative of this garden as pure joy, wisdom and a proscenium for your life.  Infinite scope for the imagination.  Importantly, easy to maintain.  No drama, your life, fully, enough. 
More, a Garden Design for any era, any architecture.   
"The best of life is life lived quietly where nothing happens but our calm journey thru' the day, where change is imperceptible and the precious life is everything.
-John McGahern".
Garden & Be Well,    XO T
We are back from 10 days in Maine with a bit of Boston.  Portland, Freeport, Kennebunkport, Bar Harbor and more.
One particular morning, staying at a B&B, still a private home built ca. 1880, on the shore in Bar Harbor, I arose early in excitement, knowing the coffee was awaiting, and exactly where I was going to sit and fully live.  The owner was awake and about, and as I carried my coffee to the porch, an older gentleman, already sitting and fully living, with a great deep voice said, "Good morning."  I replied in kind.  We two continued our full living in the greatest of silence, that symphony of Nature and ocean.
An hour passed, the owner came outside to ask if we were ok.  The gentleman replied, "We are sharing a deep companionable silence."  She left.  We continued that deep companionable silence.  A few minutes later Beloved arrived, soon breakfast would be served and the day had begun its new threads.  "Take joy", Tasha Tudor signed off with.  Yes, indeed.
   Image may contain: sky, tree, ocean, outdoor, nature and water
Early morning view, Bar Harbor, Shore Path Cottage.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Pumpkin Pastiche

Not-one-bit-extra is an apt motto for my mom.  Poor dear was born into wrong era.  Her brain power seriously under utilized.  Married in the 1950's she had 2 kids and was a housewife and major volunteer.  Judge Judy never fails to amuse.  Especially her continuing success and earnings.  Why?  Mom could be Judge Judy, except bigger.  Mom could judge all the galaxies.  More, mom would pass judgment with the merest movement of her arched right eyebrow.  Clearly letting you know being stupid is the grander mistake than whatever brought you before that eyebrow.
No surprise I grew up liking a little bit extra.  Not much.  Just a tad, or less.
During the 1980's I worked at a garden center with many locations.  Christmas was a huge money maker for them, I still miss working there during Christmas.  Easter, Valentines and the other holidays were decorated too, lots of extra trinkets for sale.  I still use those holiday purchases.

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One Halloween/Thanksgiving I performed in a play during 3rd grade.  Evening performance, all the parents/siblings in attendance.  How was I to know?  Read the paper teacher had us take home?  My parents would really go?  I didn't want to go.  Quite elaborate, the play a celebration of Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims.  Speaking parts, singing parts, dancing parts.  About 6-7 kids chosen to line the front of the stage at floor level, no singing, dancing, speaking for them.  Each child with a large cardboard cut out tied around their waist.  I was one of those few kids chosen to be in front.  Each of us, a sheaf of wheat.
My dad, the NASA engineer, keep in mind this was the mid 60's, and I was a sheaf of wheat, when astronauts were dying, yet Kennedy and USA needed man-on-the-moon.  Standing thru the entire play, a sheaf of wheat, watching my dad get angrier, angrier.  I knew.  Not a star of the play, or even a speaking role, a sheaf of wheat.  It got quite ugly during the car ride home.  Best result?  Dad never came to a school event again.
Age 8, I didn't know it took a strategy to be a sheaf of wheat.  All of us wheat sheaves, should have staged a pop-up Wind Storm, singing a ridiculous song we made up, finally collapsing into a pile.  If dad was going to be angry, I should have, at a minimum, made it worth my while.    

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Pumpkins on our front porch, above, win zero awards for skill/talent, yet they pass my simple test question.  Does it make you smile?    
Seriously, it's one of my Garden Design questions.  Does it make you smile?
Garden & Be Well,   XO T
Cute Kills is a Garden Design rule.  Hmm.  Every rule meant to be broken.  Another Garden Design rule followed, Overdose on a Theme.  And, a favorite Garden Design rule followed, Dinky is Stinky.  You over it with my Garden Design rules?  I was too, at the front end of learning Garden Design.  Now, I understand Garden Design rules for what they truly are, PERMISSION.  Limitations?  Hardly.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Garden Design: A Color Rule

Crisp & tidy, below.
Copying a seemingly staid Garden Design Rule.
What rule is that?
Mark D. Sikes: Chic People, Glamorous Places, Stylish Things
Pic, above, here.
Paint your garden furniture & accessories same color as your house trim/shutters.  Have loved this 'rule' for decades.
Here, they've done more than classically phone-it-in-garden-design.
They've let the color carry the weight of architecture.
Does your garden tell me who you are at the curb?  Check.
Is your garden so incredible I must go inside and see your home?  Check.
It's one thing to deeply, truly, adore a color.  Another, entirely, to wield that color across your realm.  No fear.  Life is short, wield your color.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Irma residue is almost put away on our property.  Living in our ca. 1900 home for 2 years, we've done little Garden Design, it's mostly roads/drainage/shed renovations/drilling a well/pond updating/clearing invasives etc.  My personal gardening consists of a pair of aloe plants in terra cotta, and an echeveria a friend gave me, repotted into terra cotta.  Three little souls in terra cotta.  Last weekend, watering my trio on the back deck, they did spend Irma inside the house, I noticed one of the aloe did not fit in its pot, it was dwarfed by its pot by .5" diameter.  Hmm.
Yard a debris field with fallen limbs, a new roof at the back of the house, lots of men covering ground here.  Hmm.  They are our men, all on our team.  Several employed by Beloved loooong time.  Hmm.  Thinking this one thru, my little aloe in its new pot.  If any of the men had broken the pot, I would have been told, "Miss Tara........"  Days pass.  Approached Beloved, on the deck, we were grilling dinner, "My aloe vera is in a new pot, and I know who did it."  He's looking at me all stoic, his Mona Lisa smile something his mom would recognize about age 6.  "You did it."  A day prior, I repotted that aloe vera into another terra cotta pot, an exact fit.  He looks at the pot, "If I had found a pot to fit, would you have known?",  "No.", "How did you know it was me?", "The men always tell me when something happens.",  "Hit it when I was blowing the deck.", "5 acres, loads of men, new roof, tree limbs, I'm a Garden Designer with 3 tiny potted plants to her name, you thought I might not notice?"
Why are these type of stories so deeply amusing?  He almost got away with it.  Would have been fine if he had....

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Playgrounds & Microbiomes

Too many times I'm told, "We must have a lawn for the children."
'Poppycock' my grandfather would say.
Chose his word in mission to the front porch/yard, below.
He was a doctor, he served in WWII.  Member of the greatest generation.
How many of the greatest generation had the ubiquitous lawn-to-play-on ?  Few.  Instead, it was their generation bringing that lawn into ubiquity once they returned from war.
Fun, below.  Makes me want to play seesaw too, a doll, and a dog in a wheelbarrow, plenty of running around space.  Scope for the imagination as Anne of Green Gables said in earnest.
Today, will site my oldest wheelbarrow near the fig & meadow.  Laskett always follows me to the fig bush.  Up he goes, into the wheelbarrow, camera click.
Better, I'll put a vintage Christening gown on him, to wear in that wheelbarrow.
Play.  It's contagious.
Remember well, playing quite hard growing up.  Designing gardens with children, I know to give them 'flow' around entire house.  Solid fence at a side of the house?  Up and over they go.  I did.  No professor in college for horticulture mentioned 'flow' for children in Garden Design.  It is intuitive.
Twenty years in to my Garden Design career I went to a Feng Shui lecture.  She, the expert, can't remember her name, certainly put 'flow' around a home into her lecture.  With slides to back it up.  Sweet.

Pic, above, here.
Now, this photo reads as a scene from a movie.  We traded for foundation plantings, monoculture tidy lawn, homeowner association rules, deed restrictions, and out the window went this scene, above.
Complaints about lack of outdoor childhood play have been written about for decades now.  More, scientific studies are arriving showing our bodies need many layers of microbiomes found, yes, outside.  When will the study arrive proving the 'play' construct of childhood is Nature's way of getting us those Microbiomes.
Swath of lands my childhood play included ranged from our yard, friend's yards, empty lots, the saltwater lake, a street over, behind our house, and a peninsula of land in Galveston Bay 2 blocks away.  Bless that era.  The peninsula, which I considered mine, is now fenced & gated, a sign-in sheet for entry, which the police check, and warnings of all types.  Warnings.  Seriously?  It was my playground, no fear, pure fun.  Different world now.  More important than ever to include play spaces.
Garden & Be Well,   XO T
More than making sure children have play spaces, make sure you have play spaces.  A conservatory with vintage furnishings, invite girlfriends for lunch or in the evening for wine/canapes, best 'tea party' ever.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Relandscape vs. Delandscape

Ok, I get the house statement, below.  Well done.
Landscape?  As my dear friend Susanne Hudson will say, dinky-is-stinky.
Two approaches, below.  First approach, quite common, decades of experience with this 'issue'.  Build a fine home, there goes the landscape budget.  This home, below, can handle a lower landscape budget.  I would go much lower with this landscape budget.

mid-century modern house renovation by Cuppett Architects - exterior
Pic, above, here.
Remove every foundation shrub, above, tuck lawn all-the-way to the house.  Done.
If I had the chance to live in this home, very nice, lawn to the house, and a dense evergreen hedge at the curb.  More, slant the hedge higher at the right to lower at the left, copying the roof pitch in reverse.
At present I 'see', "No budget for landscape."
Merely removing the foundation plantings says, "Architectural choice, bold.  Nothing dinky-is-stinky here."
This home a good example, removing-ugly frees the house to breath and show its beauty.  TV garden shows are always about adding landscape to make the house better.  It's not uncommon, with older homes especially, removing landscape makes the house better.  Perhaps this should be a named genre, Delandscaping.
Take it away.
Hope Delandscaping is a new arrow for your quiver.  Another way to 'see' landscape.
Garden & Be Well,    XOT
Lovely tree pruning, above.  
It's not often I take out an entire foundation planting, perhaps 5-6 times in 3 decades.  Yet, 100% of those 'husbands' said, "I would have ripped it out first day we moved in if I knew my house looked this good."  And they all had waited years.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Penelope Bianchi: Garden Template

Concise architecture, verdant vining vertical lawn, primitive shutters, hi Victorian crenelated benches, potted plantings, no foundation plantings, gravel to the house, diminutive light above the door, the pair of poodles in welcome, no lions here, rich restraint, you have me at first glance.
At a jobsite yesterday, this garden, below, in my head.  A more formal vernacular French, yet it will be lapping gravel to the house, potted plants, benches against the home, and vine on the home.  

TG interiors: A Day with Penelope Bianchi....
Pic, above, here.
Client hired me in an emergency.  Angst in her voice at the first phone call.  She had purchased a new smokehouse made to historic templates, and it was arriving in 2 weeks.  Where to place it?  Going full French, by request, I knew exactly where to place it.  Bless & grace in historic Garden Design 'rules'.  Zero fear siting her new 'toy'.  More, she wanted it sited at the edge of their new potager and orchard.  Delightful, the more constraints a garden has, the easier to design.
Her husband is a garden zealot also, but the poor dear man travels like the wind across the globe for his career.  He had to trust what we were doing with the smokehouse.  Cannot imagine what that felt like for him.  We knew to get the smokehouse right, it must also make him beyond happy when he returned.
Better than siting the smokehouse correctly, we got something larger.  A garden will inform you when it's pleased.  Their garden said something quite nice, a huge double check.  Approaching their home, from the main approach to the front door, and from a slight angle, as above, it's a Money Shot.
Wildly excited at this discovery, I told the client right away.  When she saw it, she called her husband right away.  Once he got home, it was obvious to him too.  Three garden nerds in a pod.  High-fiving our Money Shot.
Meeting with the grading contractor at their site today.  They've got grading, and oodles of other necessities ahead of photography.  You can be sure, their before/after, will include this photo, above.
Why?  Once you get the memo about Historic Garden Design Rules, you'll be using them too, they're for every site.  Promise.
Garden & Be Well,    XO T
I love Penelope Bianchi's garden.  Heart-on-my-sleeve, LOVE.  More pics of her garden here.  Penelope Bianchi's website, here.  Somehow, before internet, social media, love for Penelope Bianchi's garden arrived in a magazine article.  Years pass, blogging etc arrives, and now I love Penelope too, the person, and her garden.  Penelope's interior design and gardens must be imprinted onto your skillset templates.  Consider this your best homework assignment ever.    

Thursday, September 14, 2017

House & Garden Well Matched

Perhaps not your cup of tea, below, but a perfect cup of tea nonetheless.  Deer proof boxwood, evergreen, punctuated topiaried forms amongst the green meatballs.  Low maintenance, drought proof, no bugs.  Amusing, the slight stone dry stack retaining wall.  Great thought went into needing/not needing it.  We see which won.
Trees lovingly pruned, small space, several rooms & hallways & walls.
Huge invitation to enter with the pair of urns, graced with stone steps.
Have a seat in the parlor, chairs/fence using black makes the small spaces 'larger'.
House used wisely as the backdrop focal point.  Incredible restraint with the house, great simplicity, dozens of choices made, each with the answer, 'No'.  Modesty of the entire package, house & garden, displays a wise heart.

"A garden is not a picture, but a language.", Henry Mitchell.

.I love the yard and the home beyond it makes me curious to see the inside of it!
Pic, above, here.
As time passes, above, I would prune the meatball hedges into simple hedges, no rounding, letting the rounded topiary shapes 'pop' more.  Better than my thoughts, it would be more fun being friends with this gardener, above, and enjoying it unfold through their head/heart/hands.
Great joy in getting the call from a gardening friend, "I'm going to move that hedge by the house, and put a gate in the fence near ......"
Garden & Be Well,   XO T
Irma update.  Hope it's the last.  Power came on last nite, att phone service came on while we slept, over 3 days without.  Beloved's team cleared, chain-sawed, raked, blew, etc. all yesterday.  We're back to a new normal.  Sunlight has changed with many large lost limbs, new scope for the imagination.  A Georgia Power team & a Tennessee Power team got our power restored, we're on the main drive in the historic district.  Side roads will get power today/tomorrow.  They had greater storm damage.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Irma: Still no Power & An Ezra

We did a lot of work preparing for Irma.  A child of hurricanes, now living in rural middle Georgia preparations were surreal, much like the ridiculous episode of Dallas, when they had a hurricane.
Irma came, gusts into mid 50 mph range.  No official speed yet.  Predicted gusts into 70+ mph did not materialize.  Rain gauge was an even 3".  Better than 7"-10" touted at the front end.
Our power went out early Monday morning.  Still no power 48+ hrs later.  Instead, loud hum of the generator.  Never used a generator before.  Was lockstep with Beloved while he got the generator going.  From turning off the interior panel box, placement of generator, threading the thick generator cable thru the dryer vent, plugging it into the dryer socket, making sure the dryer fuse was off, then turning on the rest of the panel box, swoosh, power.
Earlier this summer 2 fugitives killed a pair of policemen nearby.  They were loose for days.  Several counties slept with guns by the bed, Beloved included.  Drama, finally learned to shoot.  As the chase continued, it was discovered the fugitives stole a pick-up truck from the quarry a mile from our house.
2017, the year I earned 2 new arrows for my quiver, running a generator & shooting a gun.  

Pic, above, here.
During Irma preparations on our property, tired, almost done, saw something on the harvest table, 'What has Beloved put on the table I've already cleared?'  Walking past, I knew it could become a projectile.  Went back, started to lean in, clear eyed, not tired anymore, an 18" water moccasin napping, or whatever, owning the space.  Immediately called Beloved, he was in the Caterpillar at the back of the property.  Big cavalry arrived at full speed.  He climbed down from that Caterpillar, grabbed a shovel, did the deed.  At some point soon, I know it's coming, snake dispatch.  Not the good ones, they can go about their business.

Pic, above, here.
At the peak of Irma gusting Beloved went into the back kitchen/laundry and discovered water running from the ceiling.
We knew before going outside what happened, roofing peeled off in the winds.
Beloved ran for the ladder, raining, winds gusting 50+ mph, dodging huge fallen limbs, running in the odd pattern of our pecan tree drip lines, managing not to snap an ankle with the chunky bumper crop of pecans now all on the ground, a hornets nest next to the exact ladder he needed, he's allergic, getting back to the deck/roof/me.  Ladder retrieved, not quite enough, he had to go back for the extension ladder.
Three shade umbrellas had been stowed in a shed, their 30 lbs bases still on the deck.  With Beloved on the roof, raining, winds gusting 50+ mph, I marched up the ladder 3 times, and he placed those bases on the roof.  Agreed, stupidest part of our actions/story.
Has it caught your attention, in the news, anyone over 50 is 'elderly' in most stories?  That would be me, and Beloved wildly elderly, over 60.  When you're middle class, and elderly, this is what you do, fix your own roof during a raging storm.  Both of us wearing work boots.  Saw a pic of almost a dozen looters in a Florida jail Monday with a great caption, "Not a pair of work boots among them."
Late Monday Beloved 'had' to go investigate our hamlet in middle rural Georgia.  We got in his truck, chain saw in back.  Areas were pristine, or a debris field.  On schedule, he came to a pine tree in the road.  Not a problem, a few cuts later, tossing chunks to the side, the road clear.  Beloved also helped others prepare for Irma.  Some, Millenials.  He's a good man, elderly helping the young.  (Ok, will try to leave it alone but such a piquant lagniappe.)
Odd, it must be the Texas in me, I don't want Beloved 'having' to take care of me.  Would rather him go help others, he's got the know-how and tools, and the heart of a helper, an Ezra. He's too valuable a resource during emergencies to help only '1'.  Hence, learning to run a generator, shoot a gun, and determined to kill my own poisonous snakes.
Garden & Be Well,   XO T
Growing up on Galveston Bay in the 1960's, during hurricanes, looters were shot, dead.  Last nite with entire town blacked out, oh my the stars, and Milky Way.  It's not often I can navigate by the mercury lite of the Milky Way.    
Chickens back in their coop late yesterday morning, gifted me with an egg not much later.
Hamlet?  Noticed long ago, in the NYTimes, how a story would lean, always predicated by the descriptor of the town.  Perhaps, 'In this agricultural town past its prime....', 'In the pastoral historic district......', 'In the unkempt pastures......', 'Nestled in the rolling Piedmont hills......', 'At the edge of the interstate....', 'In the place they call Mayberry.....'     Yes, all of these could be used for my dear 'hamlet', dozens more......
Before hurricane Harvey my sister went to the other side of Houston, to evacuate my mother who lives on salt water.  Mom refused.  Sister had to leave, or get stuck.  Sister's side of Houston had to evacuate, she went to Huntsville, TX.  Her stress at evacuation, plus, having left mom, off the charts.  Once I was phoned about the split, my stress hit the charts, I phoned mom's local police department.  Incredibly helpful/kind, they also let me know, once the storm hit, they would not be going on rescues, too dangerous.  Rightfully so.  My phone/email were put on mom's police department emergency updates, huge help.  Thank you, Nassau Bay Police Department.
The memo is clear with these storms, especially, Irma.  Beloved is an Ezra, and my job is to be his Ezra, while he's performing on the macro stage.  Don't want him worried about me or spending his macro-Ezra-time with me, when he can be helping those truly in need.
My grandmother came from a large farm family in Robeson county, NC.  The farm a land grant from King George.  Still, owned by family.  I never met her dear oldest brother Ezra.  An RN, my grandmother was at her brother Ezra's bedside when he died.  When he lifted up in bed, and began talking to their parents, smiling, eyes clear, voice strong & happy, grandma knew there was no known medical possibility of him doing just that.  Their parents long dead, Ezra's body infirm & diseased.  Ezra was gone moments later, after his head lay back on the pillow.  I grew up with this story, and a strong curiosity about this Ezra who grandma loved/admired so much.  Ezra, from the bible, means, helper.    
Made first outing this afternoon, to the dump, and post office.  Nice to get some loud rock, performing the mundane, traveling far in my head with U2, One Love.
Praying for those affected by Irma & Harvey.  In thanks to those who help/rescue/aid.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Irma: Chickens in the Storm

Power off, generator on.  Irma is here, middle rural Georgia.  Since last Thursday huge amounts of Florida traffic heading north along our country lanes.  Gas expensive since Harvey, stations here run out of gas, then have it again within 24 hours.
Last weekend spent prepping for the storm.  Our century old pecan trees and 75 mph winds on the roof main concerns.  Pecan trees are already quaking from top/bottom in the winds, only about 45mph at present.  Each, an old soul.
Placed huge dog crate into chicken coop yesterday, let the girls get used to it.  Water bowl wired to the side, their food/water already awaiting under the house, safe from 'critters' in a metal box.  Beloved/me just in from getting the chicks into crate, under the house snug/dry/safe.
Their coop is sited strategically at a canopy opening amongst pecan trees.  No it wasn't easy getting their fast maneuvers into the crate.  One gust arrived and I saw the headline, Elderly Couple Dead in Chicken Coop, Chickens Survived.

This is the pic that I hope to be living one day soon.  Me and the chickens on our farm.
Pic, above, here.
If this were my greenhouse, above, my chicks would not be allowed inside, no matter how good the photography.  My girls would have every pot knocked over/off within minutes.
Getting ready for Irma Saturday/Sunday it was amazing to watch chickens and cats, all knew.  Hyper vigilant.  Hyper movements.  What was it they were responding to?  Air pressure?  Winds weren't bad.  Scents?
Air in the garden is scented with the fragrance of pecan wood.  Prepping our 5 acres and ca. 1900 home I felt the house here to take care of us, and our work for the house, a gift of stewardship.  Kindred spirits with each former owner.
Harvey came very close to my mom & sister in Houston, both remained dry, kept electricity.  Flooding on mom's block, flooding 4 blocks from sister.  Sister is in Katy, and flood waters near her not expected to go down until December.  Police & military a large presence in her area, and she's glad of it.  Gas difficult for each to find.
And Florida.  Beloved & I have a favorite destination.  Cheap tickets on Southwest, rent a convertible, and a week in the Keys.  How else to calm the eyes/brain from designing gardens?  Beauty of the Keys, and their pace, beyond sublime.  Praying for the best in Florida, Texas, Georgia.
Watching the pecans sway in the larger gusts from branch tips, inner branches, upper trunk, lower trunk, at the ground, sensing the roots moving just-so in a swaying waltz from ground to highest branch tips, to survive, I hear C.S.Lewis, writing of trees, and how they walk....
"Awake.  Love.  Think.  Speak.  Be walking trees.  Be talking beasts.  Be Divine waters."
"Look for the valleys, the green places, and fly through them.  There Will always be a way through."
"This world is bursting with life for these few days because the song with which I called it into life still hangs in the air and rumbles in the ground. It will not be so for long. But I cannot tell that to this old sinner, and I cannot comfort him either; he has made himself unable to hear my voice. If I spoke to him, he would hear only growlings and roarings. Oh, Adam's son, how cleverly you defend yourself against all that might do you good!”
C.S. Lewis, The Magician's Nephew
Garden & Be Well,    XO T
Again, many notes/calls/texts, thank you for each.  As I am wished the best, and sent prayers, in return, you have my best wishes, prayers, love.