At a point long past, in USA, the petite hedge lost favor, foundation plantings gained the upper hand. Ignoring centuries of Garden Design history.
After WWII, USA had a building boom, and builders had a certificate of occupancy to gain before being able to sell their new homes. Landscaping was part of that package for the CO. A fact remaining in force.

Pic, above, here.
The style of a home's architecture does not influence whether or not to have a similar hedge, above.
Subdivisions, city scapes, a home close to the road, are viable territory for a hedge, instead of a foundation planting.
See the hedge, above? Now, go inside the hedge, go into the garden, go into the home, look toward the sidewalk and road.
Gone. Sidewalk, road, cars, now blocked to your view, at a minimum diminished.
More, depending on the height of your hedge, and ground elevations, a hedge will obliterate most views of cars passing by.
Multi-tasking, a hedge hiding the view of cars, from your home, filters myriad toxins cars release from engine/tires. Did you know living at a busy road, with car/truck toxins spewing, is the equivalent of smoking a pack of cigarettes/day?
A hedge is also your starting point for a garden room. Paradise, in derivative, is a walled garden. Blocking the ogre of cars/traffic/toxins begins your sanctuary, with a hint of privacy. More, a layer of control, better, controlled by you.
What do you want to do inside your hedge? A pair of benches inside the hedge, facing the house, focal points on axis, and a place to sit. Perhaps a pair of stone terraces either side of the front walk, the list is long on choices, your choices.
A home, or neighborhood, with the garden design choice of front hedges, has increased property value. If an entire neighborhood is conceived with all homes having front hedges, it will be of greater value than a replica neighborhood without front hedges. Why? Good landscaping increases property values.
Good landscaping also benefits health. More layers of a good garden design, around your home, has more of the bacteria for our body's microbiomes. Our bodies formed in synergy with Earth. Without the bacteria of Earth, inside our bodies, we die.
What are your thoughts about a hedge in front of a home?
Garden & Be Well, XO T