Younger, perhaps prior to age 6, I would have agreed with Cecil Beaton. Everything he says about yourself, is for yourself. Zero thoughts 'against the play-it-safers.' They shouldn't enter your realm, they matter why? Who has time? Isn't the battle between lizard brain & heart enough?
Because I didn't like garden design rules, at the front end, I've created quite a few. After intense study, in historic gardens across the globe, in addition to books/magazines/tv/movies/degree in horticulture.
What a knocker, below. Broken, it's still marvelous.
Garden Design Rule: Overdose on a Theme.
Thrilling rule, you choose the theme. Following it through, to the max, from macro to micro. Seems obvious, and simple, but, trust me, you'll scare yourself at times. Many nights, in bed, thinking, "Should I really do ______ , .........."
Wise advice I was given after sharing some night thoughts with a friend, "Never make a decision after sunset & before sunrise." Quite liberating to be released from those chattering monkeys of the dark.

Pic, above, here.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
In college for my engineering degree, test days in the classroom were hot. Literally. Summer/winter, both, hot. Will never forget walking out of a thermodynamics exam, and the professor remarking how many more BTU's a working brain puts out than brains at rest. Hence, the hot rooms.
I'd rather put my brain BTU's to good use, not waste a single precious unit proscribed to me during my short time upon this Earth. Give a unit toward the play-it-safers?