Does the scintilla jump out at you too?
Pic, above, here.
Formally clipped boxwood, above, without ego, no fear, total matriarchs, framing perennials, climbers, flowering shrubs for their turn owning the stage.
Take this vignette into winter, and a dusting of snow. Oh my, those matriarchs know what they are doing.
Gardens must be designed for winter, before the ease of late spring/early summer.
More good design in this garden, above, but won't take that path at present. Photographer perfectly captured the scintilla of control over chaos so brilliantly.
Have you already figured out the percentage of control to chaos, above? No? Hmm. Get to it.
These matriarchs, above, teaching a pertinent tale. Wild chaos can reign, in beauty, with a hint of control.
Adore the temporality of this particular moment.
Garden & Be Well, XOT