Large, it will be used for family events, and professional. Cars, people, caterers, ease of use for all, without hindrance to views..
Maintenance must be insignificant.
Knowns include, hiding hvac/septic/trash, gravel, stone, meadow, ease of flow for cars/walking, large groups/small groups, social events/educational events, exterior lighting, meals en plein air, an impromptu lair for the owners,

An Irish landscape, above. Stark, beautiful.

Simplicity, above, to the bone. A bit of slope, perhaps add 'jewelry' with a stone wall, similar to the above using stones found on site.

At the doors, stone terraces, above, will keep most of the gravel off shoes, and interior vintage wood floors.
Ina Garten uses hedges, below, at her barn. I need to site the hedges to obscure the necessities, and allow 'flow'. Must be deer proof & evergreen.
Need shade at the barn for outdoor meals. Martha Stewart, used pin oaks at her barn, below. Perhaps 2-4 oaks sited, just right, for a harvest table, and the tractor.
Once the necessities are sited, gravel, stone, trees, hedge, flow, the barn is 'done'. However, at that point, I'm open to adding a flourish, maybe a single espalier heirloom fruit tree, in the vein of Arne Maynard, below,
Along with knowing lavender will be planted, and several types of self-seeding flowers into the meadows at the barn.
This is the 1st salvo vision questing, next will be on site, alone for a couple of hours, then on site with the owner. After that, we set it aside, let the left/right brain magic play. Decisions made, then taken to the 'men' creating the literal landscape. Their input, from a base of decades experience, filling out the full breadth of the team. More changes. Finally, a garden beyond measure, exceeding expectations. Yes, exactly why I like working with a team.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
All pics from my Pinterest board, here.