Anne Raver wrote sweetly on tough topics. Pairing new plants (they're the ones with slick ad campaigns and patents) and old plants performing for a century. Implied between the lines, Which plant is best?
The economy is bad and more are gardening. They're firing the mow-blow-go crew and growing vegetables. Once they encounter tough soil prep and bugs will they continue? Will the younger generation go outside, away from technology, and keep gardening or is it an economic fad?
Dan Hinkley thinks it's a fad.
Ken Druse knows ornamentals feed the soul. Go Anne!
My Turn: Veg't gardens are great near a door closest to the kitchen. It's usually a sunny spot, veggies need about 6 hrs. Use 3-4 pots, 22" in diameter, filled with
Fafard potting
soil. Terra cotta loses water quickly, choose something else. Pots must drain. Stuff pots with a tutere for training vines, herbs/veg't/annuals. Crazy busy lives need easy access and seeing the garden grow is a pleasure. Plus you get production.

Arrange pots aesthetically accenting your patio/deck decor.
Form/function. That's what it's about.
Buy pots gorgeous enough to be empty.
If you tire of veggies you'll have pots for accents and focal points.
Notice how
Extension Service speaks of veggies and landscape design. If you want veggies in a busy life it's landscape design to get them easily integrated with your schedule, sunlight, architecture and aesthetics.
My pot, above, hasn't been planted in over a decade.
Garden & Be Well............XO T