Then came John Floyd's retirement in 2008, the editor for those glory years my clients adored.
After John Floyd, Southern Living became a magazine for Southerners written through the prism of those outside the South. Dropped my subscription after an article that can only be described as snarky & demeaning, lacking in inspiration, choosing the trite & hackneyed, without intellect or stewardship, time enriched became time wasted. How could they. Get John back.
Oddly, another magazine had just been founded a year prior to John Floyd's retirement, Garden & Gun. What a title. It sputtered, as all businesses did during the debacle of 2008. Time passed, about 5 years ago clients would start a sentence, "Did you see the latest Garden & Gun"? Never was it about a garden, but someplace to eat, travel, or an article richly configured splaying open an epiphany, or two. Three years ago, after buying a few copies on news stands, knew I had to get a subscription. Zero disappointment. However, the 'garden' part of Garden & Gun seems shallowly formulated, still in its infancy. Don't care. The rest of the magazine gives more than enough.
Saw a garden picture, below, recently and love it. Enough love, had to discover its source. Well, go team, Southern Living magazine. Hope this spark turns into a fire and I get 2-3 clients saying, "I saw this in Southern Living...."
Just wow, above/below, simple, comfortable, easy to maintain, leveraging life, not sucking the life out of you trying to keep it up, and historically accurate.
The story gets better with this garden, above. The Southern Living article includes the interior. This is a second home for the owners, and part of their joy in this home is sharing it with others, whether they are there, or not.
Yeah, Southern Living magazine is back on the radar.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
Oh irony. Garden & Gun hired a lot of staff from NYCity, relocating them to the South at its founding.