Below, an easy lifestyle change with the front porch. Effort, a bit. Money, a little. With their painted brick and trinity of wood stained posts, this renovation makes me want to see what they've done inside. Already flows.
Don't scroll further, until you've decided your changes, below.

Pic, above, here.
Move pair of green meatballs, above, at front posts, forward, to the front of the pathway. One to the right, at the drive, and one to the other end at the left, front of the far left post. Fill the space between front walk, and front porch with pavers matching the front walk, covering entire zone.
Front porch enlarged, house enlarged. In a perfect world, window at the front porch is a pair of vintage French doors. I wouldn't do much more here. Owners are sure handed and have a good vision they're already acting on.
Classic architecture, below. Would be interesting to see if interiors are as classic.
If you've read my books or blog, you know where I'm headed with this renovation, below. They didn't go there, with this renovation. Money spent on what they've done, and what I would do, about the same.
Cole Porter, is a hint, Don't Fence Me In, is playing in my head.

Pic, above, here.
Glad to see this home, above, loved into living and nurturing again. With the classic architecture I would never rail the front porch. Instead, steps across the front, and at both sides. Same house, bang, not the same house, not close.
With the white pickets 'gone', the house sits larger on its footprint. White jumps forward, making things appear smaller. Trim at the windows I would paint 2 tones darker than the siding. Again, enlarging the house.
If gutters are added later, I would choose an old copper color, gutters would rise to the roof, and downspouts would not visually appear as 'columns'. Why is this important? Old copper colored gutters raise entire height of a house.
Wish this house, below, was at the back of our 5 acres, and when age begins to dictate, move into it, renting the 'big' house.
Really like the changes they made to this house, below. Gutsy, and perfect. Small details, done right. A husband/wife team, they've renovated this jewel box to sell. Glad I followed the link to their website.

Pic, above, here.
Those columns. Right choice, who knows how big the sink hole for dollars inside. Paint drain pipe, to right of front door, same color as siding.
Exception to using exterior 'bright white', above. This house presents as a vintage jewel box, the navy/white are working for this era.
That tree. Oh my. If it were next door, I'd ask to prune it, zero charge. That tree is waiting to be a focal point. Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful, tree says.
Addition new owners might make, above. To left and right of the front porch, above, same depth, add more of the stepping stone squares, creating a front porch from left corner of house, to right corner of house.
Add a bench under each window. Tiny space, paint the benches same color as the siding. White benches would shrink the space and shout too loud. Move shrub at front to property line at right, let grow a bit taller, with its hedge, create a bit of privacy from neighbor. Add solid green groundcover at base of tree, zero soil exposed.
What are your changes? Big differences making changes for living in a house, changes to renovate/rent, changes to renovate/sell.
Garden & Be Well, XOT

Pic, above, here.
A little conversation with Tom Stoppard, below.
How we choose to garden is sacred. It deserves respect. If you've chosen your garden wisely, and put it in, in the right order, you will nudge your world in grace, and the world more than you know, in ways you're not aware of, but feel to their depths.
Now, what is your conversation with Tom Stoppard? I'd really like to know.
The words we choose are no different from the accouterments & details we choose to live our lives, sacred.
Now, what changes are you wanting to make to your home & garden?