Ingredients easily transposed to what you can source. Sourcing includes what is 'found' and what is purchased.
Focus on the shape of your container/s, and the silhouette of your arrangement. Shapes to copy, below. Not your traditional garden container shapes/plantings, more, taking from the realm of Florists.
Pic, above, here.
Containers, above/below, expensive, even sourced 2nd hand. Broaden your scope, retaining visions of these, yet transposing to finds at thrift store, junk shop, side of the road on garbage pick-up day.
Pic, above, here.
Pic, above, here.
Adore this Halloween party, above. Pure stage decorating, feels like a true Birthday party celebration for hallowed souls....
Transposing, above, I've already sourced velvety & feathered red cardinals to set upon branches sprayed white, going up just after Thanksgiving, and remaining thru New Years. Branches from my woodland, and those cardinals sourced at dollar store. Two for a dollar to be exact.
Easy. I like pretty, and easy. And the fun of the hunt.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
Top 2 pics look like Deborah Silver's work, but didn't see her credited.