Seeing this pic, below, recently, and realizing how badly I miss seeing our poinsettia crops growing from plugs to maturity. Didn't know I missed that specific life experience until seeing the pic. There must be a word for this, probably in French or Italian, American too paltry for such a word.
Instantly this bit of color thru the Conservatory, below, got put onto my list. Fourteen months in our ca. 1900 American farmhouse, we're getting a lot done on the 'list', but we're not to my Conservatory or Chicken Coop yet. And, what a fabulous blessing. Their architecture improves by the month, free of charge. Smartly, I'm staying quiet about this private architectural joy with Beloved. If he knew, he would have already built my Coop & Conservatory, square, historic, plain, good, done. Poor thing, he said to me, not too long ago, "You get your mind set on something and nothing stops you." It was in the tone of exasperation, my reply was quick and happy, "It's my best trait. Your next point?" Nope, he doesn't need to know about the architectural renderings, yet, for the Coop & Conservatory.

Pic, above, here.
We have a similar bank of windows, above, brought home from a house we renovated for a client recently. Here's the odd fact, I like being near my chickens, hearing/seeing them, aside from calming I think they are hilarious, they make me laugh. My chicken coop must have a bit of 'Conservatory/Shed' for me. A place to be in all weathers/seasons, to read, have lunch with a friend, a glass of wine late on a Saturday afternoon with a new book that just arrived on the doorstep, happy rich solitude.

Pic, above, here.
From the house I want to see my chickens in their coop during winter, this wall of windows, below, perfect.

Pic, above, here.

Pic, above, here.
Nice roof, above, for my personal section of the Coop, especially in winter, all other roofing will be metal.

Pic, above, here.
More than the roosting rack, above, and stone steps, below, I get it about these painters. Aside from major talent, they love chickens too. Caring for my chickens is not work or a chore, instead, a delightful part of my days.

Pic, above, here.
She, below, is one of us, a Chicken Whisperer. Have no clue why Providence put chickens into my life past age 50, but I'll take it, say thank you, and keep chickening on.

Pic, above, here.

Pic, above, here.
Best chicken run, above, ever. Instantaneously with seeing it, onto the list it went.
My Conservatory shed, with large lean-to metal roof at front, and at back, is already built and awaiting Beloved's barn to be built, his stuff is in my Conservatory shed. Not far away is the temporary Chicken coop/run Beloved built in the shade of 2 century old pecan trees, it's chain link with a flat metal roof. For months I've been having breakfast or lunch under the back lean-to roof at my shed, overlooking the coop, lake, woodland, meadow. Poor Beloved, all that scope-for-the-imagination of Anne of Green Gables in action. I hear Marilla Cuthbert, "Finest property on the north shore."
Have no interest creating the finest Conservatory or Coop, only the finest Conservatory and a Coop, for me. Now, this phase, vision questing, quite fine in its own merit.
Garden & Be Well, XO T