Color, contrast, flow, layers, mystery, expanse, minutia, shapes.
Color, did you know green gardens are the 'fastest' to look like something? Green gardens are also calm, less drama, perhaps best said, more of the right drama. Then, within the green are myriad greens.
Contrast, big leaves next to small leaves, rounded shapes next to cone shapes, woody plants next to herbaceous.
Flow, the pathway has me, feet want to travel, finding what's around the curve, mystery.
Layers, all checked, pocket of open sky, canopy trees, understory trees, walls of tall bushes, wainscoting of medium bushes, low bushes/groundcovers are flooring & carpet.
Space too large, 100's of acres, a garden room similar, below, nearish your house will warm & own the expanse. Space to small, neighbors homes jutting into your face, a garden room similar, below, around your home, creates a huge landscape, eyes drawn to the expanse of canopy trees and sky, which is infinite.
Minutia of hair like foliage, velvet like moss on the trees, chartreus with dark greens and etc. Drama change for winter, the garden, below, holds together in all seasons.

Pic, above, here.
Understanding the Garden Design 'rules' and principles, above, please tell me this makes you laugh, below, in the 'knowing' what they've done, below. Well done, dramatic pairing, fun drama with Garden Design 'rules'.

Pic, above, here.

Pic, above, I shot yesterday in our garden.
Yesterday, my harvest table was finally unloaded from the truck. Temporary location while 'macro' garden construction is completed, you know, drilling a well, graveling drives, renovating sheds, adding a porch, and too much other garden infrastructure keeping me away from my beloved 'micro' gardening.
Laskett immediately on top of harvest table, owning it. Behind him, the materials yard awaiting its new barn. Yes, chaos of materials yard getting on my last nerve. Alas, at least another full year before it's cleared.
Harvest table denotes 1st move into my shed, Beloved using my shed until his barn built. "Where is the Gator going if you put your harvest table there?", Beloved asks. "No, they both won't fit there.", he responds to my answer. I smile in return, thinking, "Go away, I've got this." Poof Beloved's gone, I arrange table, Laskett & I do what we do so well together, bask in each other's adoring presence, Laskett affirms every thought in my head. Sitting a moment to shoot table/Laskett/setting sun, I glance at the open space for the Gator, with a smile.
With great pleasure, I walk to the gravel drive where the Gator is parked, crank it up, pull it into it's new space, 2' to spare, turn the Gator off, pull the brake lever up enjoying its sound, surveying the Gator's new domain. Beloved still working in back at the pond, Laskett & I walk to the house, gardening day done.
Best irony about my shed, it's a century old, Beloved moved it last year, renovated it, new walls, new window, new door, new floor, added a tin roof to two sides, and it's my shed. We knew up front he had to use my shed for many of his things, many, until his barn is built. Has been a great chapter getting here, I'm not in that chapter anymore. You've already noticed this new chapter title, My Shed.
Thought you would appreciate a little raw reality gardening.
Garden & Be Well, XO T