"...a quincunx of trees on the lawn...."
Moth to a flame, love this 'quincunx', but what is it? More than perfect, I knew what a quincunx of trees was, didn't know it had a name. Locally, middle rural Georgia, myriad pecan orchards, all planted in a quincunx.
" quin·cunx
- 1.an arrangement of five objects with four at the corners of a square or rectangle and the fifth at its center, used for the five on dice or playing cards, and in planting trees." Google.
- .

Pic, above, here.
Always wondered, at full speed 70mph, how pecan orchards would be lines vertical, lines horizontal, finally, lines diagonal. Now I know, quincunx.

Pic, above, here.
Discovering 'quincunx' realized it's a complete package with hedging. Pure historic, pure modern, pure sustainable. A changeling too, without moving.
What kind of Garden Design do you prefer? Quincunx & Hedge. Done.
Excepting, who knows what that is? I'm 30 years into Garden Design professionally, yet just learned 'quincunx'. Moments later, received the epiphany about its use in Garden Design, Quincunx & Hedge. Who doesn't like a no-brainer? More, unique each time created. Better, perfect at all price points. Minimalist personally, yet for eco, macro in myriad layers.
Quincunx & Hedge is now my Landscape Invention, a few others, here.

Pic, above, here.
Small garden? Quincunx can be created with a single tree, above. Pruned with 4 branching quadrants, trunk is central, this fruit tree will produce more fruit because of its pruning.
Notice the low hedge, above, too? With a mid-century USA ranch home in a subdivision, a quincunx of trees/large shrubs, with a hedge toward the front curb, pruned tall to block views of cars, but leaving sky and neighboring trees part of YOUR vision creates form/function far superior to what the builder planted merely to receive a certificate of occupancy.
Of course Quincunx & Hedge is best designed with little/zero pruning in mind. Heavy on the zero.
Quincunx & Hedge, definitely an arrow in my quiver. Already.
Take it for your own.

Pic, above, here.
Garden & Be Well, XOT
A bit of garden history with Quincunx, here.