Design your landscape for winter & it will be pretty all year.

Design for May & you're apt to have only May be beautiful. Peonies, foxglove, clematis, roses, hydrangea, verbena are fabulous but they don't pay the rent.

2 weeks ago, above, in my sweet little garden. A
sideyard exposed to
a cul de sac of neighbors..
A reality I've chosen to obliterate. A tiny garden rich in garden rooms. Yet it lives big.
Why? Look closely at the top pic. I own the sky.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
OOOO, I want a piece of sky too, yours is lovely, won't you share? So what lovlies Do you recommend for winter beauty?
Winter Lovelies: canopy & understory trees, evergreen hedges, focal points, evergreen groundcovers, color theme for house/outdoor furniture/gates/pots.
Blooming Now: Camellia japonica, helleborus, witchazel, daphne, tea olive. (zone 8)
XO Tara
Tara, I am trying to design for winter, planted a yew hedge, boxwood balls, hedge etc. but they are still so small, and the snow can be quite deep and heavy where I am located, often breaking branches off. I wish that it was just that light sugar coating that is so pretty.
You've created a beautiful frame for the sky and the trees in the distance. This year has been great for looking at the garden in winter. I normally focus on year round color and don't consider that powdery white stuff.
I so agree. It's not like we cease to appreciate the outdoors when things go dormant. Actually, winter is far more interesting if the right things are in the garden.
You have made a believer of me! The last house was filled mainly w/heirloom roses & perennials & always looked horrible after the first frost (usually sometime shortly before a houseful of Thanksgiving guests!)
The cabin has mature trees & some evergreens, which give me hope that I can make a decent, year-round garden here! Thanks for your continuous inspiration!
Your garden is beautiful in winter!
How beautiful! I try to add more winter interest. Mostly for the birds, because I'm not of cold weather myself.
Can't get better real estate than that!
Your sky is beautiful! It is ALL so beautiful. I love your blog and am now a new follower. Looking forward to visit again and again.
Patricia :o)
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