Where? TBD !!!!
Why is To-Be-Determined so extraordinarily exciting, always, in a landscape? When, many parts of life To-Be-Determined contains a wariness, an acceptance, a sense of 'this too, shall pass'. (Trees are noble shedding their leaves. Enriched by what they shed. A metaphor to hang on to. Oh, no, I have to relearn it over-over.....)
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic via Birmingham........ I'm partial to benches as focal points. You may never have time to sit on your bench but looking at a bench from inside your home gives the illusion of repose.
Was just explaining the Bench and Axis concept to the Husband yesterday, as he helped me lay out a new garden that has an arbor bench on axis with the door to the cottage. He didn't quite get it, until I had him stand in the middle of the garden and turn around ... sometimes you just have to see something in order to 'see' it, ya know.
Yes...viewing a pleasant sitting place at a focal point does help one to feel some sense of relaxation...and eventually, one will relax there.
Yet people question why I often include seat walls in my designs. Hmmm...invite relaxation?
Beautiful bench.!!!! Would definitely like a pair. Where/ how can I order them? Would make my day to have them....okay, saying it would make my month is closer to being honest. Please let me know! Thanks.
I would definitely like to have a pair of those benches. Could you please tell me how or where to get them? Getting those as a focal point for our yard would be perfect!!! It would definitely make my day… Honestly it would make my month and probably even my year. I love them!!!!!,,,Thanks
Southernsweetie, alas, no resource....
xot :{
That bench is WAY more than 200 dollars. I fell in love with it when I saw it in Stepford Wives (the remake) and it is in the thousands of dollars. Who wouldn't love a pair of these benches? For a while I could find it at a shop in Charleston. Here is a resource. Chatsworth Bakewell Derbyshire DE45 1PP. Tel: 01246 565300. ~ www.chatsworth.or...
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