Landscape? As my dear friend Susanne Hudson will say, dinky-is-stinky.
Two approaches, below. First approach, quite common, decades of experience with this 'issue'. Build a fine home, there goes the landscape budget. This home, below, can handle a lower landscape budget. I would go much lower with this landscape budget.

Pic, above, here.
Remove every foundation shrub, above, tuck lawn all-the-way to the house. Done.
If I had the chance to live in this home, very nice, lawn to the house, and a dense evergreen hedge at the curb. More, slant the hedge higher at the right to lower at the left, copying the roof pitch in reverse.
At present I 'see', "No budget for landscape."
Merely removing the foundation plantings says, "Architectural choice, bold. Nothing dinky-is-stinky here."
This home a good example, removing-ugly frees the house to breath and show its beauty. TV garden shows are always about adding landscape to make the house better. It's not uncommon, with older homes especially, removing landscape makes the house better. Perhaps this should be a named genre, Delandscaping.
Take it away.
Hope Delandscaping is a new arrow for your quiver. Another way to 'see' landscape.
Garden & Be Well, XOT
Lovely tree pruning, above.
It's not often I take out an entire foundation planting, perhaps 5-6 times in 3 decades. Yet, 100% of those 'husbands' said, "I would have ripped it out first day we moved in if I knew my house looked this good." And they all had waited years.
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