Sandra Espinet, designed a perfect Double Axis. From inside the living room, below, looking out to the pavilion.
In the pavilion, below,
looking into the living room.
Sandra owns the interior & exterior. A rare interior decorator knowing her work ends at the property line not the walls of the house.
Double Axis is an easy concept. Quit reading this and figure yours out !
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Penelope Bianchi is the rarest. Interior Decorator doing Vanishing Threshold, Double Axis & la-ti-da multiple axis to a single focal point & etc....
When you realize these concepts are easy, historically correct, necessary to happiness/joy/grace, & affordable you will stop thinking in terms of what Garden Centers & Testosterone-On-Wheels-Mow-Blow-Go want to SELL you. Foundation plantings & lawn & seasonal annuals? OMG, worse than boring. Stupid, environmentally harmful, terrible for property value, & worst of all devastating to your inner muse. No, don't ask me what I really think, because I can go there too. And there waits the fabulous Puppet Barbuda.
Pics via House of Turquoise with more about Sandra Espinet, here.