Decades ago, a great idea, and he (his house too) would say, "You can't do that." Garden plans would be diminished or stopped altogether.
Several years of this circus, I got off the merry-go-round. No fear. Began going to Europe, studying historic landscapes, received another degree, horticulture. Opened a Garden Design business, new decades of family disapproval, "Use your engineering degree, don't be a bag lady." Thanks for that refrain, dad.
Many lean years. To the bone. I didn't care.
Went to a career coaching weekend a decade ago & had an epiphany, "What would I do tomorrow if I were not afraid?" Fear is a sure thing, it will keep coming back with new expertise/costume guaranteed.
Jumping forward to the last 3 years, worst economy since the Great Depression, I've had the top earning years of my career. Moved 'him' out, bought my own home & another home nearby to use as an office/guest cottage.
Ironically, getting rid of fear taught me how to know if I'm doing the right thing in my career. Choices are tough but once made, the choice is FUN. And the choices aren't in my head, I ask my heart. My head is a lizard brain.
Are you afraid? What would you do tomorrow if you were not afraid?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic via Habitually Chic
"Wherever our most primal
fears reside--our fears of the dark, of death, of being devoured, of
meaninglessness, of lovelessness, or of loss--changes are good that beneath
them lie gems of wisdom and maybe a vision or a calling. Wherever you
stumble--on a tree root, on a rock, on fear or shame, or vulnerability, on
someone else's words, on the truth--dig there." Gregg Levoy