Saturday, October 5, 2013

How to Choose a Design Direction: Before/After

You know what to do, below, of course?  Extreme rustic requires extreme

formal, below.  Contrast is one of the sharpest arrows in your quiver.

Of course an allee was needed between the Chicken Coop & Long Barn toward the Pole Barn.

For added formality Crape Myrtle standards were chosen along with espaliered sasanquas, below.

 Not quite before/after pics, pairs of urns not sited correctly and another 2 years of maturity needed.
Path is wide enough to set up small round dinner tables during parties or a harvest table with twinkle lites in the Crape Myrtle canopy.
Are you doing this?  Design your garden to enjoy in the fullness of life.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics last month at a jobsite.  Wish you could have seen the heirloom turkey trying to get rid of me while taking these pics.
Contrast won't steer you wrong and keeps you from ever being 'stuck' on a direction.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Penelope Bianchi Asked

Merely pretty?  Think again, this is serious business.  Without pollinator habitat we die.  

What is pollinator habitat?  Macro description, you want high density & low density in your garden.  Micro details,  trees-shrubs-groundcovers and open meadow/gravel terrace, water.  With plant selection mixed for something coming into bloom all year.

Penelope thinks she's merely standing in her beloved garden.  More, she's bathing in maximum pollinator habitat.
Why care about pollinators?  Increasing pollinators can increase crop yields almost 80%.
Wendell Berry has been writing agricultural essays for decades about big agriculture with machines-chemicals-devastation of communities (every pun intended) vs. small farms, mostly organic, producing more/acre than big agriculture.
Have had a crush on Penelope Bianchi since first seeing her gardens & interiors.  Loved her before I knew she existed.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Both pics in Penelope's garden.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

How To Follow Through with a Theme

Fine tuning the smalls, below.

Dried flowers from the garden & Jacob sheep grazing outside.
From property line to the center of your home the theme should be who-you-are.
Do I know who you are from first approach at the property line?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken last month at jobsite.  Sublime to see her reach this layer of interior design, the tiniest touches amplifying who she is.
Hardest advice ever received?  "Be-who-you-are."

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

'No' is Design's Important Tool

As designed, below.  Orchard wall & gate copied from centuries of history.  Why figs?  Huge, ancient, figs are nearby, using the design tool of repetition.
A more important design tool than repetition I used, 'no'.
You think a Garden Designer is hired to put things into your landscape?  The most important thing I do is keep things OUT of your landscape.
'No' isn't only about simplicity/expense it encompasses impact-elegance-sustainability.  Beautiful historic landscapes incorporate the least amount of care creating the maximum amount of pollinator habitat, with aesthetics too.  Providence has huge wells of aesthetics, so it's allowed us too.  Grand canyon, Niagara Falls, Edisto Island, Alaskan sunset.    

At my desk, below, I listen to the site.  Every site speaks, I call the language 'gardenese'.  It's easy to tell clients, "No, that won't work because....."  Every client consultation is intense visually & listening deeply.  Their long list of desires must be edited.  I try hard to keep the deepest 'wants' using 'no' to get there which increases the impact.

My favorite place to be, above, my desk.
Drawing a garden's language.  Seeing, listening. 
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Pics at jobsite last month.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How to Choose & Site Pots in the Landscape

300 acres, 3 'mostly' matching pots totaling 3 centuries of age and no pots placed on the property, yet.  
(Does the pot, below, tell you, "Touch me."?  If it does it means you are an old soul & kindred spirit.)

Pots must be so wonderful they can remain empty, if desired.  Here, they needed to match the history of the home & be within a certain size range.

Perfect, above, they do not draw attention to themselves.  And still allow seating on the low stone-capped columns.

2 men/pot setting them in place.  My general contractor said, as the pot, above, went up, "...That's a ballsy spot."  As if he earned a response.

3 years getting to this layer, placing pots.  Best part?  Looks like they've always been there.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken at jobsite last month.  Found the pots, plus several more, at Scott Antique Market a couple of months ago.
Did you pick up on the major component of getting the right pot in the right spot in your landscape?  Something few are good at, patience.
Knowing to choose pots that can remain empty is such an important 'discovery'  I claim it as one of my inventions.  If you think through the carbon footprint of 'annuals & potting soil & fertilizer' for container plantings along with your time & money you'll understand beautiful empty pots.
Of course planting sublime pots is a layer of fun in the right season of a busy life.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

"The search for outward simplicity, for inner integrity, for fuller relationship -- is this not a limited outlook?  .....The world is rumbling and erupting in ever-widening circles around us.  The tensions, conflicts and sufferings even in the outermost circle touch us all...."

....I believe the heart is infinite -- modern communication loads us with more problems than the human frame can carry.

Our grandmothers, and even -- with some scrambling -- our mothers, lived in a circle small enough to let them implement in action most of the impulses of their hearts and minds."  Gift From the Sea, by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, copyright 1955.
Yes, the circles of living are too big.  Without my garden I could not navigate.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics at jobsite yesterday.  Her words could have been written this morning.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Media Bias Toward Rural America

'No Farms.  No Food.'   You'll see on quite a few bumpers in this county.

When did rural become code language for uneducated with our national media?

Media bias toward city thinking vs. farmers?

This country was created by farmers, Founding Gardeners by Andrea Wulf, is stuffed with tiny font, delicious historical facts & pleasure gardens along with the agricultural.
House, above, is surrounded by open & wooded acreage, heirloom livestock, potager, pleasure grounds, ponds, barns, and speaks easily to a dense social life shining a light on the many lobes & neural pathways of their minds, ripples into the larger community & crosses oceans in its reach to others of like spirit.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
pics taken last week at a jobsite.  Founding Gardeners has details about John Adams & Thomas Jefferson on their English garden tour & facts about George Washington fighting the Revolutionary War while taking every new garden idea England had & more.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tara Maxwell: Natural Horse Training

He came emaciated, broken-hearted & mentally wounded about 2 years ago to a client's farm.

Last week he came to me in friendship, curiosity, hopeful of a treat, and told me what a fine day it was.  Tara Maxwell was hired from the start to work with him.  Horse Whisperer is the best description of her talent.

His pet dog, above, and one of the carts, below, he pulls regularly.

Most days he is in pasture with Jacob sheep, below.

It was the 1st time he treated me as a peer.  Tears were in my eyes.  Would I have the fortitude to overcome, as he has?

When Tara Maxwell & I overlap at the farm I never intrude, only watch her work from a distance.
The hand of Providence in action.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken at jobsite last week.  This is not a paid endorsement, just simple thanks at what I've witnessed.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Creating Backdrop for the Kitchen

Vita Sackville-West's head gardener, leaving for war, wrote her, "..whatever you do maintain the hedges."

You think you're in the kitchen.

My pride is views of the hedges.
At this 200 acres I was hired to create intimate garden views.  Without blocking rolling vistas.
Who knew you could be deeply enriched, soul filled, & ego enlarged (professionally), with a backdrop?  No need to be star of the show, the mature desire is being the entire proscenium !
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Pics last week at a jobsite.  If the kitchen or porch affect the garden views, it's my job to say something.  Here?  Of course I said, " this."  Pan on right burner of stove?  She made us grilled ham/cheese sandwiches.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Empty is Fine. Why be perfect?

Garden Design is not about having a perfect garden.

It's about having a beautiful garden without stress.  From every window a beautiful view.  

Doesn't matter if the terra cotta pot is planted.
There is a realm the perfect garden matters, pollinator habitat.
Oddly, my Garden Design formula based on historic gardens across Europe does, indeed, create maximum pollinator habitat.  And I thought I was going after beautiful + low maintenance.  Classic story of following your heart, while others belittle what you are doing, and gaining far more than anticipated.
Why does pollinator habitat matter?  Increasing pollinators increases crop yields up to 80%.
Have a seat, hold on, YOU are a pollinator too.  
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics at jobsite this week.  Have you ever really thought about the types of sex plants have?  Hilarious when compared to the snit about humans.  

Friday, September 20, 2013

Chiaroscuro in the Garden

Have you done this in your garden?

Caught the chiaroscuro.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Oddly exciting, and moments of life most intense.  Never taken a chiaroscuro moment in your garden?  They cannot be given, only taken.
pic from The Vintaquarian.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Interior Design: Urn on Plinth

Urn on plinth, a little interior Garden Design.

Whoever thought this up, I adore them. 
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
pic ?