My Muse came in 1995. Gardens were erupting. No brakes since.
Only once, late 90's, did my Muse sleep for a bit.
Awful. Why did Muse go & how to get Muse back?
Muse needs Nature without man's touch. I'm on the woodland trails at Stone Mountain Park most days of the week.
Muse adores and is fed by travel, top pic. Oddly, Muse is content, demands, working in the current realm. Muse hasn't said, "Travel........" in the past couple years.
Muse appreciates extrapolating art-to-art-to-art, above. What delightful arrangement of shrubs-groundcovers-understory trees-focal point will produce the magic, above? Seriously. I read & look at pictures about myriad art forms to feed the garden Muse.
Infertilly childless I've had women friends in their 80's since my 20's. Chanteuse all, & I understood their songs. Most are gone but Muse is still energized by their spirit.
These things, and more (books/movies/solitude/Conservatory time), I do for Muse.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
A Creativity Workshop sends emails about 1/year. Course description is fascinating & so is the price, into the thousands of dollars. Whatever. Pics, Slim Paley