--- Seamus Heaney
Most common phrase customers say when we meet, "Oh, I don't want anything formal." Then proceed to describe what they want and show photos. You know what's coming next.
Every description, every photo of their dream garden, FORMAL.

Pic, above, here.
Classically formal dining room, above. Graveled rectangle, focal point on axis, canopy/understory bushes/trees, walls, floor, flow, function, contrast, texture, seasons, sound.
Easily decorated for mid-century modern, or any style, zone, theme you desire.
"Small change, small wonders --- these are the currency of my endurance and ultimately of my life." --- Barbara Kingsolver
Show me your outdoor dining room. Better, invite your friends to a meal. Not there yet? Want to be? There lies your small change, small wonders.
No budget for outdoor furnishings for a bit? Pair of saw horses with planks, as Martha Washington served myriad guests in their garden at Mount Vernon. Better, improvise, rescue 'saw horses', and 'planks'. With this mission, your outdoor dining room will be unique, though the garden design technique has been in use long BCE.
What is an outdoor dining room to you, if you don't have one now? "The opportunity to experience yourself differently..." --- Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

Pic, above, here.
"All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection. So I rate us on the basis of our splendid failure to do the impossible." --- William Faulkner
Yes, you can do the impossible. In the garden of your heart. Sure it's impossible. That's why it's there for you to do. "We go on. Because it is the hard thing to do. And we owe ourselves the difficulty." --- Nikki Giovanni
Touring a beautiful garden, with our British historic gardens expert and guide, after he had described a garden compost area feature we were standing in, a woman said, "That's inconvenient." Quickly he responded, "Making love is work, but we do it."
It is the difficulty of creating our garden, bringing its blessing. Most often your 'difficulty' will be mental. Seeing. Seeing rightly, is the work. And gift.

Pic, above, here.
"Clear your mind of 'can't." --- Samuel Johnson.

Pic, above, here.
Thrilling. Beyond thrilling, above. So little there, yet it's a garden. Living in a ca. 1938 starter home or 1990 cluster home? Garden Design, above, is for you too.

Pic, above, here.
Trees as total Garden Design, above. You cannot go wrong choosing this path. More, choose a tough native pollinator tree. Choose to pollard, prune them to shape.
"And so we turn the page over/To think of starting. This is all there is." --- John Ashbery

Pic, above, here.
How many times has this Garden Design been done across centuries. This one leaves no gardener or garden or home behind.
Works every time.
In a typical USA subdivision, this is a good Garden Design, above, to copy, and site a hedge of evergreens at the front of your lawn. Tall enough to hide the road & cars, for sure, maybe tall enough to hide your first story. Depends on your location, views, noise.

Pic, above, here.
The Well Placed Chair, above. You know you've designed a good garden, when, in season, Nature takes over all your efforts. Laughing at you. And you like it.

Pic, above, here.
Use pots that won't break, trees tolerating your zone, and drip irrigation, above.
Adore how little is in the garden, above. It's Tara Turf, green ball, hedge, canopy tree, house as backdrop, color theme, textures, flow. Did you already see all those things, above, and name them to yourself?

Pic, above, here.
Hiding the pool. Especially good, if you must put in a fence, yet have acreage. Make your pool the surprise in a Faberge Egg.
"You have neat tight expectations of what life ought to give you, but you won't get it. That isn't what life does. Life does not accommodate you, it shatters you. Every seed destroys its container or else there would be no fruition." --- Florida Pier Scott-Maxwell, Playwright, Jungian analyst.

Pic, above, here.
This garden, above, uses the same Formal Garden Design as the top photo: rectangle, focal point, flow, canopy, understory, floor, texture, color, shapes.
Just because epiphanies arrive doesn't mean changes will arrive effortlessly or soon.
Choosing to have a garden, the one in your head, is as simple as Dorothy learning how to go home.
Garden & Be Well, XOT
A few more from Florida Pier Scott-Maxwell.
"You need only claim the events of your life to make yourself yours. When you truly possess all you have been and done ... you are fierce with reality."
"Making those we love happy sounds innocent as a dove, but it can be as destructive as a lion."
"If we begin with certainties we shall end in doubts; but if we begin with doubts, and are patient with them, we shall end with certainties." --- Francis Bacon
You realize this is a complete Garden Design course? The important parts anyway.
It's all important. The Zen of Formal? Easy to maintain, beautiful in all seasons, pollinators, lowers HVAC, raises property value.
5 years, this summer, in our ca. 1900 home. Began gardening this month, finally. No clue gardening would not begin for 5 years. Repairing the pond, drilling a well, renovating sheds, moving sheds, building sheds, creating roads, clearing invasives, and clearing more invasives. Life, my mom, caretaking, death, then major illnesses with Beloved.
Starting wasn't something chosen or thought about or anticipated. Apparently I had been at the bottom of the ocean, and shot up for air about 5am three weeks ago. Could not breath, live, another day, without starting my garden.
Quick phone call to Susanne Hudson, sourcing Conservatory parts, windows/French doors, Conservatory seating, somehow buying a honking huge antique library case too, Honker. Honk-er.
Hedges, Conservatories, Tara Turf, Potting Table, Trees, and my library. Leaving my 30 year garden, missed most, my built-in Library, and Conservatory. Can't make this stuff up, the soul speaks.
Did you notice, 'Conservatories', plural? Life is good. One of our tiny historic sheds, has a pair of shed roofs, each side, Beloved already built. Soon, the East Conservatory will be completed, and hopefully, this year, we'll also build the West Conservatory.
Their views wildly different. The new potting table was sited at this shed, already I'm potting up and crazy happy. Thankful of my years as a professional propagator at a nursery with 7 hoop houses, each with a different type of use; forcing, cuttings, plugs, annuals, perennials, herbs.
Found living without a garden & library......untenable a moment more. Getting a potting table, 3rd potting table across my adult life, previous 2 were wood. This potting table, ca. 1940, is custom made, 2 shelves, backsplash, and stainless steel, from a sorority house at University of Georgia.
Have never felt so at home here. Literally. I'm home. Garden, Conservatories, Potting Table, Library. Every bit of air I shot upward for. Whole again.

Pic, above, here.
I'm so glad you now have your unique potting table and are in the process of having a conservatory again--conservatories! I didn't realize until I read an older post that somehow I'd missed before that you had been very sick with the flu, good old normal flu. I hope you're feeling lots better now. I know how long it can take to fully get over that, not to mention this current terrible virus. I wrote down the Heaney quote, like a shot in the arm itself, enjoy his poetry. Getting started, over and over again? That's what excites me every morning!
I sense your release and joy and I am so very happy for you Looking forward to seeing what develops hence
Have fun
As I've said before, I have all your books & I so appreciate your gentle teaching. I, too, thought I preferred informal gardens.
How wrong I was! I actually prefer informal plantings in the strict confines of a formal structure.
And Tara Turf is my favorite lawn & I share it with all my friends. Unfortunately, some HOAs have strict rules about keeping a manicured lawn! Yikes!
I always enjoy seeing & reading your posts: the combo of gardening & poetry. Thanks
I love this...I built library shelves in my house before I put a new roof on...I knew I would eventually get the roof, but that if I didn’t get the shelves right then, they would forever be put off...by some other repair....
Hi Tara, what a wonderful, thoughtful, inspiring, life affirming post. A sheer delight from start to finish. Almost everything you mentioned had us nodding our heads, yes, yes and yes again. The quotes are so good we found ourselves grinning aloud. You can. We just did. My wife and I toured your garden when we lived in Atlanta and loved it. It was a jewel in suburbia. Which showed what heart and imagination could do. We were immensely interested in gardens and all they can do and eventually we had one of our own. A very nice one (to us anyway which is all that matters). But the site was challenging and my career - and opportunity took us to a new locale. A tropical one. On an island, with a whole new set of challenges - and opportunities. But first we had to build a house. Clear 50 years of natives and invasives. Work through the staunch regulations of our island sanctuary (2/3rds native plantings, etc.) It has taken us 4 years to get to the garden, which we decided we wanted to be "tropical cottage". It's early days still, but they're good days. Thanks for sharing your story!
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