Metal shelves had their zone, so did antique china cabinets, antique tables, tools hung along 20' of wall, lamps, art on the wall, etc.

Pic, above, here.
Helpful, I didn't realize how greatly my 30 year garage leveraged my life better, at each layer.
No garage, no barn at our ca. 1900 home, the magic departed.
My beautiful, neatly organized garage, packed & moved by strong good men, was quickly unpacked into a graveled basement, at the back of our home, by headlights at the end of a day reaching 101F. Almost midnight, I was there, and merely watched as those dear men, put my entire garage where ever it was convenient, zero regard for proper organizing. They're still heroes to their job, in my heart. Working through exhaustion and misery.
But. My. Garage.

Pic, above, here.
These china cabinets, above/below, are at every thrift store every month. And, perfect for the garage. A larger piece of wood can be hammered to the countertop, below, making it a better space for potting house & porch plants or arranging flowers.
Merely looking at the counter top below, and imaging hammering into it. Oh my, the pleasure.

Pic, above, here.
At my 30 year garage, at the mudroom door, was an antique table, lamps, art on the wall, etc. Coming/going for my day, I would set things on the table. If it was going to be a busy day, I would start placing items for the day on that table, and throughout evening as I remembered/realized what more to take. Working at jobsites, in all weathers, giving lectures, sourcing, eating lunch in my truck, rain gear, layers of sweaters, so much to hunt/gather daily, just to get to jobsites.
That antique table was my top employee, except after Tess, my tiny little service van.

Pic, above, here.
That wild hot night, unpacking the 30 year garage, has fumes of existence. Ironically, an antique china cabinet, formerly holding all my pond supplies, is in our front parlour, displaying antique crystal my mom had, and the ubiquitous Waterford my era acquired in their 20's. It was too tall to fit in the gravel floored basement.

Pic, above, here.
To save space, you may want to put your vintage china cabinets on the wall. They'll look better if their tops are all at the same height, and they're all painted the same color. No worries, if not. This is your private zone, your playground.
Analyze the feet of any vintage china cabinet, if you plan to hang it. A board can be hammered to the feet, below, creating a shelf for storing more things.

Pic, above, here.
One of my clients created a patio room in one of their garage bays. Their parking court was perfect for neighborhood pickle ball. Wine, canapes, dinners were common for them, in the garage.

Pic, above, here.
Now you know what to do with one of these, below.

Pic, above, here.
I know this woman, below. Bought the same 3 ladders. Who needs a man's help with those ladders, TaWonda. And a sink. Getting the cleaning tools, outside, yes, I know this woman. In spirit.

Pic, above, here.
Habitat for Humanity always has kitchen cabinets for sale at their Restore locations.
Ollies, always has sturdy shelves, good prices.

Pic, above, here.
Wish I had seen these vintage collections, below, with my 30 year garage. All the vintage tools were interspersed with tools I used. No drama display. Darn.

Pic, above, here.
Moth-to-a-flame, below. Somehow, it seems, hammers appear in my life while I sleep. Now, I know what to do with them.

Pic, above, here.

Pic, above, here.
At a minimum, below. Carve out a space for you, from the garage to the door opening into your home.

Pic, above, here.
How many pics do you think were taken of my 30 year garage? How did I not know, fully, what that garage did to make life better, easier, wiser? The prophet-without-honor, and I did it, not see.
Our graveled low basement it shaping up. When Beloved & his brother were clearing their parents house, about 3 years ago, no one wanted the sturdy, huge work table in the garage. Hmm, work table, 2 men, truck. Check, check & check.
Much cussing later, those boys got that work table in our graveled basement. Styled for my use, with my things, guess who uses it all the time?
That long wall of tools hanging in the 30 year garage? Still leaning in a large corner where they were thrust, near midnight, 5 years ago. Walls are concrete, need to get 2" x 6" boards attached.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
Gave Beloved a 'useful' Christmas present. Wanted to make his daily life easier. It's a winner. Went to the hardware store, not a big box type, chose a sturdy tool carry all with lots of pockets, walked every aisle, putting targeted items in. Meant for his truck, he has been using it at jobsites, and in our house.
His own movable organized garage, in a tote.
He even went to the basement and shed, gathering other targeted items for his new tool carry all.
More useful in the house, didn't see that coming. Wish I had known, Cheshire smile, My Bad.
Looking forward to getting the functionality of our basement finished, then fine tuning the decor begins.
Every garden design I create includes work zones. Do you? It's important.
This is not a sponsored ad. Just me. Loving a good 'garage'.
How timely. I've just finished making my 6 x 8' garden shed more serviceable and prettier. It flooded with 4 feet of hurricane water in Sept 2019. I threw away what was ruined, but never had the time to reclaim it until this winter. Emptied it, disinfected it, painted four walls and floor. I wanted a garden shed, not a she shed. I added an 8-ft work surface shelf, rehung tools in better locations, and added art of course. Now I am so happy to visit it at the start and end of any outdoor work. What could be more satisfying to a gardener?
“Hey, love your blog!
I blog over at {Overhead Door Houston have trucks that are constantly provided with garage door springs, replacement parts, openers, and embellishments expected to guarantee legitimate usefulness of your garage door, permitting us to comprehend and fix your garage door issues in a single outing. We live, work and play in the zone so we need to make your experience as advantageous and moderate as conceivable to keep our great name in our locale.}.
I created a similar piece of content except it takes an entirely different angle.
In fact, it proves that why it’s different.
Would you be interested in reading it?
Just let me know if you’re interested and I’ll send you it over.
“Hey, love your blog!
I blog over at {Overhead Door Houston have trucks that are constantly provided with garage door springs, replacement parts, openers, and embellishments expected to guarantee legitimate usefulness of your garage door, permitting us to comprehend and fix your garage door issues in a single outing. We live, work and play in the zone so we need to make your experience as advantageous and moderate as conceivable to keep our great name in our locale.}.
I created a similar piece of content except it takes an entirely different angle.
In fact, it proves that why it’s different.
Would you be interested in reading it?
Just let me know if you’re interested and I’ll send you it over.
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