Amusing, when you're trying for this, below, yet it seems another bank account and decade away from reality.

Pic, above, here.
If you have the good fortune to install most of the garden, above, yourself, know this for sure, it is one of the greatest gifts you'll receive across the span of your life. Pace and epiphanies live across their own timelines in a garden while you're gardening it. What you learned 3 years ago, becomes another type of epiphany 2 decades later. Though you may have moved from the garden, the garden doesn't stop its work of pace and epiphany in you.
Those moments in my garden I had thought I was lost to the present, instead were the moments I was most truly inside myself.
I sought conquest in my garden, instead, I reaped contemplation, a willingness to let the soul lead, listen, inform, change me. How many years was I leading? None, the garden won its conquest before I was born, the garden leading me, with its soul.
"Place and a mind may interpenetrate till the nature of both is altered." Nan Shepherd.

Pic, above, here.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
Trust the pace of your gardening & garden.
Tara, I always watch for your writing about when you are most yourself, post after post. Those are the jewels of your posts that mean the most to me. And I treasure them!
Amen to this! I am never more at home in my own head than when my hands are in dirt.
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