Two gardens, below. One green all year, the other flowers for a few weeks.
Which garden attracts and benefits the most pollinators?

Pic, above, here.
Which garden is a Fixed Mindset Garden, and which is a Growth Mindset Garden ?

Pic, above, here.
Which garden is the easiest to maintain?
Virtue Signaling with gardens, pollinator habitat, eco, sustainable, regenerative, all a bit much. Meanings vary by region, era, and person.
What a garden does, for Earth, is its test.
Growth Mindset, 'What type of garden most benefits Earth, and makes me happy?'
Fixed Mindset, 'I like this garden, looks easy, affordable, and eco.'
"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside awakes." Carl Jung
Which garden, above, looks outside, which looks inside?
These questions matter in the micro, we said goodbye to macro decades ago. Bees are dying and we're peeing anti-depressants into waterways, How Depression Medication is Polluting the Ocean and Altering The Behaviors of Sea Creatures. Antidepressants in Stream Waters! Are They in the Fish Too?
Solutions quite simple, happy, and loving. Didactic apoplexy isn't intended, and not meant. Time was given me, with loving teachers, from Fixed Mindset to Growth Mindset, as it should be for you too.
Excepting I began in my 20's. What if you're beginning in your 50's, and above, wanting to go from Fixed Mindset to Growth Mindset, about your best Garden Design? You're good, they're the only gardens here. Years of agrarian gardens. Only recently did I realize my gardens are Agrarian, and most other gardens are Industrialized. Agrarian vs. Industrialized. Interesting, I've been slipping Agrarian Gardens into Deed Restricted/HOA Industrialized neighborhoods for decades.
Garden & Be Well, XOT
No, I didn't answer those questions, above. They are for you to answer. Answers in next post.
I don't know but I love them both!!
Mine looks like the bottom one! I will send you pictures! I think I need to post a blog about the rebirth of our garden.
Yes. The flowering one is the one with the most hummingbirds and butterflies and bees! Mine!
The formal one is the most low maintenance. I love them both. I love mine most of all!
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