Your home is the garden's backdrop.
The Agrarian & Pastoral ideal. Idyll. For you. Now. No matter the global industrialized anthropocene stew driving markets, and life.
Agrarian. More than sustainable. Regenerative.
More than regenerative. Transcendent. "If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need." Marcus Tullius Cicero, Jan. 3, 106 BC - Dec. 7, 43 BC.
Why consider Agrarian? Why choose Agrarian? Why be Agrarian though industrialized? Sacred vs. profane, reality vs. grace. The shorthand of Agrarian is unspoken, mostly, but well spoken, from birth, within. "...the division between practical reason and aesthetic understanding is in fact untenable, and that until the relation between the two is re-established they must both remain impoverished." Sir Roger Scruton.
His back isn't facing you, below, he's telling you there is a life of transcendence inside. Join us, please come inside.

Pic, above, here.
"Aim for the chopping block. If you aim for the wood you will have nothing. Aim past the wood, aim thru the wood; aim for the chopping block." Annie Dillard.

Pic, above, here.
"Hone & spread your spirit till you yourself are a sail, whetted, translucent, broadside to the merest puff." Annie Dillard

Pic, above, here.
"You were made and set here to give voice to this, your own astonishment." Annie Dillard
"If you cultivate a healthy poverty & simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then since the world is in fact 'planted' in pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days." Annie Dillard.
Understand what the back of his robe is saying, top pic, this is Nature's gift, telling us the stories of life. Nothing less than your life, in all its fullness.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
I take no credit for this deep need for Agrarian gardens, it came unbidden. Since age 3, I knew. Didn't know what I knew, no words, adults certainly weren't talking about the things 'I knew'. More, I've always known I work for 'Tara', known I had a lane of my own. Thought everyone had the same. Amusing what we get right, what we get wrong, oblivious to both in error at times.
1 comment:
I'm always inspired by Annie Dillard and I'm always inspired by you, Tara. And I believe I do continue to be astonished by my joy daily, maybe more so as time goes on. And that makes me feel very rich!
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