implied actions.
This garden, below, becomes interestingly intentional if there's a cluster mansion just the other side of the hedge. Indicative of clear choices made with a firm hand. And life.
Odd, the alchemy of hedge & meadow creating expansive space, physically & mentally.

Pic, above, here.
Nature takes the physical of a garden, metaphysical. Psychologists proclaim a: 'Fertile Solitude = Basic Unit of a Full & Contented Life.'
About solitude in Nature, "'s inner voices become audible (and) in consequence, one responds more clearly to other lives." Wendell Berry.
Porch & garden, above, give layers of fertile solitude & the sound of our own inner voice, merely from a photograph. This garden, above, is totally designed, though looks not designed in the least. "Intelligence + Diligence + Wisdom vs. Letting It Be." No one needs to be a garden expert to know what a letting-it-be attitude does to a landscape.
"We die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives." Toni Morrison. Gardens were a language long before man arrived.
Deciding to have a Garden is 2nd order positive thinking. "A real advantage is conferred on people who can do things that are 1st-order negative, 2nd-order positive. Especially if these 1st order negatives are very visible costs with no immediate benefit in the short term and a non-linear benefit at some future time." Shane Parrish.
A previous client moved from their home/garden 2 years ago. Recently, near that home, I did the stupid thing, a drive-by. Foot went to brake, and I just stared. Their garden, on the edge of out-of-control, had bushes screaming, "Come, prune us, you'll have a nice couple of hours, and that problem you're most worried about, it will be solved when the pruning is done, your house will be framed in love again, and your attitude lifted, nurtured." More precisely, I kept thinking, Don't you see, don't you hear? Your Garden is shouting in joy to you, "I want to have a relationship with you."
Seriously, I saw their garden communicating with them, heard the exact words, "I want to have a relationship with you."
"...clinging to what you already know and do well is the path to an unlived life." Parker Palmer. Gardens are 2nd-order positive thinking. How odd to finally 'hear' a quote from a Garden, "I want to have a relationship with you.", yet it was someone else's garden, speaking to them, not me. I got the metaphor.
You may not hear the Garden speaking to you, 'I want to have a relationship with you'. Be assured, it is.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
I've never heard that: 'Fertile Solitude = Basic Unit of a Full & Contented Life', but I know this is truth!
amazing really apperciate your work towards this what i feel in todays world many people do not have that inner relationship with someone whom they like.and the lack behind here is only that is moral,love,empathy and many more so i decide to write a blog that is stories for kids
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