Sited at its deepest point, the front porch table never gets wet, storms included. Drama swirls, dinner progresses. Just the 2 of us, vintage garden boy with 2 baskets, delectably white washed ca. 1941, remained as center piece. With guests I make more of an effort. The table holds 8 dear friends in a rectangle of love, 6 with people we don't know as well. One length of the table seated with a church pew, older than our house.
The ca. 1900 house remains its original white, much of the porch furniture is white, knowing vintage garden boy was remaining old white ironstone dinner plates were used. All was good, until remembering recently seeing a table setting, below, by Carolyne Roehm. Note to self, copy Carolyne.
Perfect table quickie, below, a fern. Kimberley Queen, my choice. She's not messy, doesn't drop bits/pieces of her fronds easily, and, she takes full baking sun or shade.
A pair of vintage flower stands are already on the front porch, awaiting their Bunny Mellon green topiaries, and now, a few Kimberely Queens. Further, Carolyne's centerpiece, below, said to keep a variety of 'urns' for the ferns/topiaries to quickly bring to table, in the antique chest just outside the front door. Finally, things coming together after living in our home 2 years next month.

Pic, above, here.
Have several white antique ironstone soup tureens, above. None more than a few dollars, all with a crack or chip or missing handle of some sort. With a Kimberely Queen fern, or forcing bulbs, who cares?
Garden & Be Well, XO T
I pick yourrs! Every time! We copied our loggia in Pasadena......exactly. Same size openings, same dimensions....exactly (boy, do I believe in copying!)
thunderstorms, windstorms......rainstorms. I have never had to move the books off the table......on either loggia!
Love eating outdoors.....and we can 12 months a year!
That makes 34 years with that same loggia.....two different places. Pasadena.....and Montecito. Perhaps a blog about loggias! (my blog and website have been completely screwed up!!!)
I've really wanted Kimberley Queen ferns after seeing them in posts here but don't think I have the right conditions inside to winter them over. It's always been heartbreaking enough to lose the regular ferns and sword ferns to a freeze, I would hate to lose ones as pretty as what you show here.
Your porch dinners sound lovely!
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