Studying more deeply, it becomes obvious, entry ways in a garden are focal points, yet the rule for focal points is, One focal point per area.
Breaking garden design rules, is inherent to historic garden design. Modern too.
Instantly, below, I wonder why the screened porch doesn't have a door at its left, and front.
Adding the doors, a necessity, adds magic circles. Flow. As shown I hear Cole Porter, Don't Fence Me In.

Pic, above, here.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
I heard you speak yesterday in Rome at the Garden Club luncheon. I was one of the two ladies who spoke with you afterwards, the dark haired one with the gray headed lady. . We really did like your talk and you. I am so glad I had that opportunity. I kept thinking Wendell Berry sounded familiar. I realized this morning that I have read and enjoyed his book Jayber Crow. I will have to read more of his books and am looking forward to reading yours. I was thinking in the quite of this morning about what my father use to say, "I don't want to own a lot of land, just all I can see." Which brought me back to your pictures about you planted boundaries so you could not see your neighbors, so I guess in that case you do own all you can see! My mother and father did own 100 acres of land which they left to my two brothers and myself, so I do own a lot of land but do need to plant some boundaries. I also feel that I am a steward of this land and enjoy working in the garden and beyond. Also, I am having a luncheon here on Tuesday. I loved you ministry ideas. Thank you very much for enriching me.
Nancy Tsipolitis
Carrollton, Ga
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