National news and Life magazine were rife with pics and film of the Kennedy's during my earliest years. Cars. In those days, they were CARS. Even my dad worked in iconic design, have you seen the casing of a Saturn V booster, or the capsule of an Apollo rocket ?
Perhaps the prettiest images remembered though, are the Kennedy worlds. Vietnam, Marchin' Luther King, the University of Texas tower shooting, dominated our black white console tv with rabbit ears. At my age, no cognition, merely reaction to visuals. Though I must admit, even so young, I knew the beehive hairdo was wacko.
Of course those Kennedy visuals were iconic. The world's top photographers, and who was the interior decorator, below? Which international couturier designed the dress, below? Which maestro cut her hair? So many layers of design, and professional experts.
It's a potent Garden Design conceit, below. Paint it all the same color, overdose on a theme, form/function with exterior furniture, keep it simple. This is an iconic Garden Design example of your garden as backdrop, merely a proscenium, YOU are the star.

Pic, above, here.
Once I began to study Garden Design deeply I realized my schooling truly began during the Kennedy era.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
Remember well mom's last salon appointment for her weekly beehive 'do'. While they were finishing her up, of course she brought me, no baby sitters, I decided to investigate one of the hair dryers. You know, the sit down, cover your head type. At the head was an interesting coupling with screw. More interesting, when unscrewed the entire head assembly pops apart and rolls into various directions, loudly. Who knew there could be so many components, I hit the jackpot. A snitty rat faced balding man came toward me leading his parade with a black plastic comb pointing his march. He was so rude. He made me stop my investigations, and I wanted to do more. Odious man.
Arriving for next week's hair appointment, mom stopped at the door, NO CHILDREN ALLOWED. That previous week was her last beehive. Go me !!
After 3 decades I know the points in a woman's life she's most likely to hire me, when the last child begins school, when the first child is about to graduate high school, when the first child marries, when the first grandchild arrives. And, within that list, of course, I know which is the most popular. Have you already guessed?
With the first grandchild. More than a first grandchild, closing the chapter of 'doing' for others at great expense to self. Husband always bought his fun/toys, kids had their due, now, 'my turn', total double dog dare anyone to make a remark other than positive. That woman is powerful.
If women took that power sooner in their lives, the world would be a different place. Thus ends today's feminist lesson.
Hi Tara!
Love this post!
Actually, there wasn't an interior decorator at the Kennedy house in Hyannisport. Just plain old New England "taste"! Which is some of the best taste ever!
Everyone painted all their old wicker white; so that it all "went together" even when it didn't! A big "mixup" of different "chintzes"; and rag rugs. Classic, and very serviceable with a house full of millions of kids!
She hired "Sister Parish" to do the family quarters of the White House. It had the very same feeling! Cozy and comfy!
I still remember constant reports about the war in 'Nam...every dinner over the news. But eventually we could talk with our parents. I probably horrified all 3 older sisters and 1 brother in the crib or exploring around, while the oldest brother was out of the house.
Design - I actually recall how similar Omaha and Denver looked, but how different those, Belgium, and Alabama each looked...and felt!
I love your lesson for the day, Tara. It contains more than one lesson for me!
I do remember my mother's beehive and that a younger sister had her hair done in an intricate one for her prom. I remember Mr. L. L. Flanary at Chester's Beauty Salon where we went, not rat faced but dark eyes that darted everywhere around his salon. I can picture him having rushed toward any child not sitting quietly there!
Would love more of your observations about "closing the chapter of 'doing' for others at great expense to self. Husband always bought his fun/toys, kids had their due, now, 'my turn'." Hunger for inspiration abounds--particularly from women in different financial situations.
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