Ahead of his lecture at the Atlanta History Center, I always arrive early for lectures there, wanting to walk the grounds, I noticed an unusual looking pair of people, man & woman. Most interesting. More, they were looking at the crowd swirling in the atrium of the auditorium, as if they were a swarm of 'something shocking'. Their clothes. Oh my their clothes. Too bad no cell phone camera. She was the more interesting, and he was beyond imagination interesting.
Finally seated, auditorium full, announcements, blah blah get on with it, Sir Roy Strong mounts the stage. Of course I had already spotted him, the most interesting man in the building.
After he finished speaking, I asked my friend seated next to me, we roomed together several times across Europe during my historic garden study tours, "Why did they only let him speak for half an hour?" (She looked at me like I was weird.) "He said the most amazing things." Finally, she said, "What did he say? I didn't get anything from him. He spoke just over an hour." I continued talking about all he had said and each word a powerhouse, "He said all that?", she asked, laughing at me. She later opened her own successful nursery, obvious where her focus lies. When I had my TV show on CBS we shot a segment with her at her nursery. Of course we did !
Decades later, that hour remains, The Hour.
Most important thing he said, during that hour, "If you have an irregularly shaped area, place a geometric shape within it." Key to the realm.
Pic, above, here.
Sir Roy Strong, above, in his geometry. Enfilade too.
No matter the space, above, the circle owns it. Geometry in an irregular space. Circles, squares, rectangles, diamonds.
Bottom line, reading this. Either you grasped the key to the realm, as I did, or you are my dear friend, not understanding a word, it's all mumbo jumbo.
No worries if you're the latter, that key remains for you. When you're ready.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
That hour? Best. Drug. Ever. Sir Roy's writing, excellent, his books, here.
What a delightful story!! You, of course, are totally correct! He is a genius.
I have his books; and when I went on a decorating and landscape tour of England, I met him. Such a nice man. And completely brilliant.
Brava, Tara!!! Everyone should read his books who cares about gardens!!!
Nice Blog
Thanks for shairing nice information.
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