Pic, above, here.
More simple, below.

Pic, above, here.
Austerity of great depth.
Richness in choosing 'no'.
A garden must say who you are from the curb. A garden must say you really do want to come inside.
Amazing array of good choices, that list is not short, made for both houses & gardens.
How simple can you make your landscape while giving it, and your home, deep riches ?
Garden & Be Well, XO T
I love these kinds of landscaping, so simple and clean. Do you have any idea what kind of trees those are? Do you think the hedges are boxwood or holly? It's hard to tell for a beginner. I love all your posts. Lots of eye candy for a garden/landscape lover and a lot of learning.
lovely, calming photos, Tara. I breath deeply when I arrive here.
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