Pic, above, here.
Now, when you see, below, you'll think, Classic button top would be better.

Pic, above, here.
Of course my favorite pot, The Queen's Pot, a pot so incredible, below, it can remain empty and still be gorgeous, never fails either.

Pic, above, here.
Then there is the Furlow Gatewood pot, below. This man sailed a thousand ships !

Pic, above, here.
Lastly, there are the pots of Deborah Silver, creator of the florist shape.

Pics, above/below, here.

She's known for lighting them too, above.
All, good choices, none the tired, shag carpet, avocado green, stale pots I was taught to plant in college. So bad, they shall not be represented here, yet I see them still, proudly touting an era past its prime. Doing that style now, for me, is jet stupid. "If stupid could fly, you'd be a jet." Love this little quote, great way to detach, remembering it, once I've done something stupid, again. Jet stupid is difficult to eradicate. It's Anne of Green Gables, I may do something wrong but never the same wrong thing twice. With age, it's confounding what jet stupid whips up at times.
Speaking about her sister, the wildly successful Nora Ephron, "Delia Ephron sounded one cautionary note on the subject of her sister's expertise in all matters large and small. "Ten percent of the time, Nora's wrong." she said, "and you never know what the 10% is and it's really scary -- you know, ' Could this be it ? '
Garden & Be Well, XO T
Tara, I think that the pots filled with hydrangeas at Furlow Gatewood's estate are quite possibly my most favorite things, EVER! I wanted to drop a line to say great post, but also to tell you about a little sale I'm having on my blog of my interior design and coffee table books. They've been hoarded for far too long, and it's time that someone else enjoy and be inspired by these barely used beauties. As I know you're keenly interested in interiors, I thought maybe you'd be interested - or could perhaps pass it along to someone you think may be! Hopefully there's something posted that'll catch your attention?! Here's the direct link: http://niagaranovice.blogspot.com/2017/02/buy-my-copy.html
You and Deborah are masters, thanks for posting your blog. Going from nothing to making my suburban lot my own - thank you for the inspiration.
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