Think back to a Garden Design Rule. Broke it here, in triplicate. Backhand down the line winner.
Shooting this Garden Room, many angles can be shot, proving this particular Garden Design Rule reigns. Pull the shot back, Garden Design Rule broken.
Know the Garden Design Rules into your DNA, break a Garden Design Rule when it makes your soul smile, a wicked smile. That's what made me laugh, below.
Garden Design is a language. In the beginning, Garden Design was what I wanted it to be. Rules? Not for me. In time, a koan arrived. In bed last nite, zero desire to read on my phone, instead, wildly strong urge to read from a book, though the lamp would have to be turned off. Oh my, the bother, yes?
Two books, grabbed, Daily Strength For Daily Needs, by Mary W. Tileston. Recommended by Celestine Sibley, a well known columnist for the AJC when I moved to Atlanta over 3 decades ago, and used in many of her columns thru the years.
Thomas (1795-1880) Carlyle, puts it clearly about why you must break Garden Design Rules, "Know that 'impossible', where truth and mercy and the everlasting voice of nature order, has no place in the brave man's dictionary. That when all men have said 'Impossible', and tumbled noisily else whither, and thou alone art left, then first thy time and possibility have come. It is for thee now: do thou that, and ask no man's counsel, but thy own only and G*d's. Brother, thou hast possibility in thee for much: the possibility of writing on the eternal skies the record of a heroic life."
With this quote, above, Tileston chose, Matt. xvii. 20, Nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Along with,
So nigh is grandeur to our dust,
So near is God to man,
When Duty whispers low. Thou must,
The youth replies, I can.
R.W. Emerson

Pic, above, here.
Garden Design Rules, now I trust them, knowing how to break them. More, they are the tools to break them with.
Garden Design Rule broken, above? Garden Design Rule: One Focal Point per Area.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
THIS IS SO ME!!!!!!!!!!!
I WANT I WANT I WANT..............
OH SANTA.......................
RULES ARE FOR BREAKING.........once in awhile!
Completely gorgeous! I adore statues and busts in niches in hedges!!!
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