But that's a rabbit hole, and not where I'm going with this garden, below.
Millions of mid-century to ca. 1990 ranch homes across USA, have the same landscape, below. Except they don't know it. Those millions of ranch homes were sold with a ribbon of green meatballs spanning the front foundation, and since then, those plantings have been pruned into a gruesome story.
Plant abuse, millions of those green meatballs want to be tall & wide bushes or trees. Faithfully, decades of hacking, keeping them in line. Literally.
Won't go any further, too gruesome, you know the game, seen it your entire life. In defense of that ribbon of green meatballs, they are required by law to close on new construction. However, they did not have to be in their particular configuration.
Using those same gruesome hacked green meatballs, dig them up, in winter, planting them in a tapestry hedge away from the house, exactly as, below. See it? Millions of those ranch homes with foundation green meatballs face the street, and worse, are not too far from the street. Poof, cars gone. Double poof, toxic fumes/particulates dramatically decreased. Triple poof, noise reduced. Quadruple poof, privacy added. Quintuple poof, aesthetics added, property value increased, no more looking at neighbor's homes. Sextuple poof, lifestyle enhanced. Septuple poof, many will have reduced HVAC expenses blocking summer sun-winter winds. Octuple poof, pollinator habitat increased by a logarithmic factor. N-tuple poof, maintenance reduced. Let me know what I've missed.
Odd to imagine so many millions of people choose to live with a gruesome green ribbon of meatballs, instead of using what they have, differently. I hear Anne of Green Gables, "With a little imagination."

Pic, above, here.
More than secular, all of the above, the Divine. G*d Almighty first created a garden. Garden, above, is biblical. Quickly with gardens, Sacred vs. profane, surfaces. Amazing, keeping green meatballs, yet moving them, transitions profane, to Sacred.
What began planted by the rules of filthy lucre, hacked & ignored for decades, can become Sacred. Power of intention, indeed.
In metaphor to moving those gruesome green meatballs I hear Charlton Heston, "Let my people go."
Garden & Be Well, XOT
(Paradise | Define Paradise at Dictionary.com
(Daily Bible Study - What Is Filthy Lucre?
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