One focal point per garden room, subsidiary focal points allowed.
Pots in your garden must be so marvelous they never have to be planted.
Tara's Trinity of focal points, above.
The best focal points are placed on axis seen from myriad directions, and better, if each of those axis is not visible from the others.
Focal points must have a focal point view in their opposite direction.
No matter the slope of your land, focal points must be level.
You must know these focal point tips within your DNA.
A delight, below, seeing this pot recently. Pretty all year, even when the herbacious plantings are dormant.
What did you think, first seeing the pot, below? Did the plantings, and their year-round essence enter into contemplation?

Pic, above, here.
Moving on. More details about siting and living with a focal point. Contemplating a single focal point's effect upon your life, a Providential gift, using my focal point, below.
Up front, seeing the urn & plinth, below, at a wholesale nursery, I was there buying items for a job, not to get myself a pot/plinth. After making the purchase for the client job, in a hurry, my feet moved me over to the pot/plinth, you knew they would. My DNA knew more than my lizard brain which kept saying, You're in a hurry, no time for this, and certainly no money.
Wholesale pot/plinth were expensive, and wildly heavy. Had 4 men put it into my pick-up truck.
Into my garden, below, direct axis from the large bay window fronting my home, my previous 30 year home.

With the urn/plinth at my back, below, this is the view into that bay window. Now you're entering the realm of Living with your focal point. Not merely having your focal point. Huge difference. Huge.

Inside the bay window, below. Living more deeply with the pot/plinth, having meals at the table, bringing my laptop to the table and working, putting together more journal pages at this table.

With the focal point urn/plinth at my back, below, turned to a different axis view, a subsidiary focal point. Ironically a subsidiary focal point, within a subsidiary focal point. Go me ! Know what I am talking about here? Hope so. The blooms of wisteria 'Amethyst Falls' are owning the day, once finished the dovecote recovers its dominance.

Turning to another axis, below, with the urn/plinth at my back, is another subsidiary focal point. A planting designed to greet me as I enter/leave my driveway.

Another axis view, below, with the urn/plinth at my back, Laura watching me, totally acting as if I'm not there.

Another axis view, below, with the urn/plinth at my back. This view another subsidiary focal point within a subsidiary focal point. Who can deny the Chinese snowball is dominant? After flowering the pair of adirondack chairs take their rightful place as subsidiary focal point. And, destination. When the snows of spring are this pretty, not about to walk to the chairs, harming the petals on the ground, or sit in the chairs, harming the petals in the chair. Instead, swimming for days in the intoxicating beauty of the petals.

Bottom 7 pictures, shot in my garden.
More fabulousity with this urn/plinth, above, the house is at the street with 7 neighbor's homes crowding in. Do you see them? Do they exist? Not in my realm.
This is garden design as Garden Design, capitals for the same reason as using it with Providence.
Creating a focal point with the Garden Design 'rules' above creates Sacred space. A moat of grace around your home, and life.
Today, and for the past 14 months, my urn/plinth have been lying in the materials yard, on their side on a pallet, awaiting placement in our ca. 1900 American farmhouse. Clearing invasives, renovating garden sheds, building new outbuildings, grading, drilling a well, renovations to the house, have all come ahead of starting the Garden. Before moving I tried to tell Beloved what my Garden meant to me. No words existed. I have those words now, having been without my Garden for so long. My Garden was my best Friend, unconditional love.
Missing my Friend.
Today, I'll do something I've only done 3-4x's. I discovered it by accident, at present it's the most potent feel good drug I know. I will sit in my materials yard for lunch, with accoutrements from my previous garden, about 10 pallets, Friends awaiting placement in my new Garden. Sacred made Palpable.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
At the opposite of creating a Sacred space, I was on the phone yesterday with a client who had to remove an odd/ugly covered porch addition the previous homeowner had added. More than ugly, more than unusable, the space felt 'evil'. Didn't want to be in it or walk thru it to get to the back yard, or even see it. The owner felt it, and her friend, a client who referred me, felt it too. The 'evil' room is now gone, a new space built, with subsidiary gifts. All the 'evil'? Gone !
Wonderful post Tara! Oh what I have learned from you about focal points!
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