Scroll thru, below, does your Garden Design 'eye' see instant changes to be made? Never meant to bash a Garden Design, simply to make living better, or accentuate architecture with Garden Design as the tipping point.

Pic, above, here.

Pic, above, here.

Pic, above, here.
Top pic, above, beautiful home wildly close to the road. Remove foundation plantings, add steps to open up front porch. Plant an evergreen hedge at the sidewalk, growing to 4', and add a simple gate, matching the style of the home, at the front walk. Greater privacy, a sense of greater space, better views from the house, and buffering from the toxins of passing cars.
Middle pic, above, incredible quality, gate, pierced brick wall, plantings, urns. Site urns a bit wider, their scale demands more space, once moved the gate/columns appear more generous, not so tight.
Bottom pic, above, a tightly packed neighborhood, yet the porch is mostly private. Go team. To add the illusion of a larger garden, stain the fence 2 tones darker than the kaki from the porch floor. I would also espalier sasanqua next to the fence.
What did you see? What changes did your eye want to make?
Changes mentioned were merely the basics. Making further changes I must know the owners, and see inside their homes. Excepting the middle pic, it would be 'done'. Did you notice the urns in the middle pic? Reminds me of a recent client, her husband started pressure washing in their garden, and she caught him, and stopped him, before he removed the patina off every focal point. Funny story now, only because everyone knows it was not funny in the moment, poor husband.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
Love this. The only one I got was the middle one sensing that the urns were crowding the gate but I didn't know the fix.
GOOD CALL ON ALL OF THE ABOVE........I did not let my eye sit still long enough.......scrolled to SEE WHAT YOU WOULD SAY!
Tara, you have such a great eye! I want that garden gate! It would afford me more privacy as I'm in a garden home, and everyone can see into a portion of my courtyard through the wrought iron gate I have now. Must go on a hunt for one of those unless you know a source? xoxox, Brenda
God, i woud make a TERRIBLE landscape designer!!!!! i didn't get ONE right!!! omg. I am awful. I couldn't even think of things to say.
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