A mini Garden Design course in 2 photos.
Do you see all 3 changes immediately?
I'll give you a moment to look at both pics carefully. There is an easy inexpensive solution for the stoop, and a better, not inexpensive solution for the stoop. At the open sliding door threshold is a minor 4th issue. See the easy fix for issue 4?
Classic mistakes, below. Human nature ! At the front end, before getting a Horticulture degree, then traipsing Europe for 2+ decades studying historic gardens I made the same mistakes too. Once you know what the Garden Design mistakes are, your eye is trained to see them, correct them, easily, every time.
Of course there may be zero mistakes, below, solutions could already be designed, just not installed. A likely scenario if you take a tour of the interior, here.
Look at the pair of pics, below, again. Got your Garden Design solutions?
Pics, above, here.
Change #4, the door mats inside & outside should match. The tight space will enlarge, flow, and become more of a 'foyer' between inside/outside instead of the current abrupt divide. My choice would be a pair of door mats, large, similar in looks to the existing mat inside the home already.
Change #3, transition from beautiful stone terrace to gravel to wood stoop to interior of home. This change makes me smile, I made the same mistake as a garden designer in my 20's. Matching stone from the terrace should be installed into the gravel transitioning to the wood stoop. Why? Significantly reduces amount of gravel stuck in shoes, or paws, to be tracked inside, and gouging/scratching that beautiful wood floor.
Change #2, Dinky is Stinky, need much larger pots at those sliding doors, and wider apart, setting them left/right off the wood stoop. Remove 2 bushes at right of wood stoop, replace their planting bed with more gravel.
Change #1, will start with cheap/easy do it today. Stain the wood stoop same color as sliding doors. The house is much too elegant for this wood stoop left over from the set of F Troop. A more expensive change to the wood stoop, replace it with a single slab of stone, custom cut the same or a bit deeper. Wood stoop vs. stone landing. Already the verbage is a nicer story.
Again, seeing the interior of this home, I think the 'Change' layers I've mentioned are already on their to-do list. Their attention to detail quite wonderful.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
Put that green extension cord under the gravel. I know you already thought that. A funny thing about gardening, the small victories. Just getting the cord buried is a big deal, having the door mats match.....
dinky is stinky???? omg that's hysterical. you are so right about all your suggestions. never thought about the matching mats inside and out, but that's a good idea! how much do I owe you for the lesson?
Brilliant!! Brag! Got all 4!
I started with typically, the most expensive, but got to all; God is in the details!!!
I would have liked to see the wood stoop widen to the same width as doors and be made of same stone material as the terrace. Elegance.
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