Rosemary Verey wrote for real gardeners. Her, The Garden In Winter, perhaps the best garden design book ever. Never tire of reaching for it after 2+ decades. Always see something new.
Sir Roy Strong's use of space, Creating Small Gardens, is a favorite for garden design overall, not merely small spaces. If you are starting out with your gardening, each garden in the book will mesmerize you for hours, the book will take years to absorb.
Christopher Lloyd, of Great Dixter, lived in a Lutyen's designed garden, he transformed it into something unique, and world famous. In recorded history, that has not been done often, with an already famous garden. The Well-Tempered Garden, is more gardening than garden design, and blessedly written for adults with an IQ.

Pic, above, here.
Of course I have shelves of garden books, alas still in boxes a year after moving, but the trinity, above, is core.
Not quite true, above, I did pack necessity garden books for use in my office, maybe 200, and they are shelved. Rest of my library, feels like the loss of a dear friend, still boxed in a shed.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
Because, partially, of Sir Roy Strong's, Creating Small Gardens, I can design gardens like, below.

A small front yard, above. Created a couple of years ago, perhaps some of my best work. This was the 2nd home designed for this couple. A great selfish sadness, the couple divorced before implementing.
Thank you thank you!!! I have some homework!
I think I had read Sir Roy Strong's; I will reread carefully again!
I have ordered ROSEMARY's BOOKS!One cost .41 cents on AMAZON!
I adore what YOU suggest..............thank you!XX
The 2nd picture's link is broken. Cannot see the picture. >_<
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