Choosing an evergreen shrub, then sourcing it in 3 different sizes proved impossible locally, state wide, region wide, and flyover country wide. Finally, sourced on the west coast. It's the new normal sourcing plants for real gardens.
Flying buttresses were not part of the college curriculum for horticulture, in USA. Of course I discovered them studying across Europe for decades. 1st garden in 1st country toured, literally. No one seemed to have a name for them, nor did any of my peers seem as excited about them as I was/am.
Their use, below, quite apparent. These, below, are the high end of fancy.

Pic, above, here.
Evergreens, above, pay the rent (for me), the herbaceous perennials do not. Peaking for a mere 2 weeks/year, deadheading, dividing, weeding, staking, blank in winter. Nope. Instead, I would fill their space with flowering shrubs, a succession throughout the year, and bulbs. Perhaps a lone flamboyant Clematis roguchi clambering a single buttress, as it dances with sunlight. Yes, now I'm pleased, and amused. With no down time & significantly less labor.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
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