Meeting the clients, they lived outside Atlanta this was an overnite job, walking their entire garden, seeing their interiors, and how they flowed to outside views/paths, took about an hour.
Brought my folding table/chair & drawing board to this back corner, below. Alone, finally, with Muse.
![The Complete Guide to Growing French Hydrangeas | SouthernLiving.com:](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/fb/d5/ee/fbd5ee0006d6fac90a31789552e225db.jpg)
Pic, above, Southern Living.
Zero clue, once I was set up, what Muse would suggest.
A few minutes of walking nearby garden rooms, then back to my mobile office.
Muse doesn't speak, Muse does place perfect visuals into mind/heart.
Muse sent mental pictures of this small corner having an 'L' shaped conservatory, gravel flooring, and a chandelier hanging from the tree with a table underneath. Yes, poof, voila, Muse was enchanted with this corner.
Have no clue what my clients were expecting. Probably a 'planting' plan. I must remember to ask.
Told of ideas for their dark, dank, corner, their faces got that really good look. The one saying Muse did a great job, and they were fully on board. Beyond imagination, they had access to a historic home recently condemned, for reason, and could haul away as much as they wanted.
Muse certainly knew more than me about this couple and their soon to be built conservatory. As if pre-ordained.
Within a year the conservatory was built, garden planted, gravel poured, and they were on a garden tour. Somehow, Southern Living magazine heard about their conservatory & sent a photographer, above.
Later, This Old House magazine discovered their conservatory & put it on their cover.
This is the best kind of work. Each layer f-u-n. Every layer a win-win-win.
Doing your own Garden Design? It's the hardest to do. Every idea directly links to your bank account, which hinders your Muse. How to get around that? Write a mission statement for your garden. How you want it to look, how you want it to make you feel, how it connects with your home, what you want to do in your garden for pleasure, and don't forget to choose a color trinity. It may take a week, or 2, to write your mission statement. Then, make a date with yourself to design in your garden. Nothing rushed. Suspend every thought about filthy lucre. Follow your mission statement. You will draw a nice garden. I find most everyone is an intuitive garden designer, excepting most everyone gets caught in the trap of not knowing Garden Design is counterintuitive. Nor trusting simplicity.
When finished drawing your garden, ask yourself, "What can I take out and the garden still holds together?"
Often I am a 2nd or 3rd designer on site. What went wrong, why hire me after others were hired? Two reasons, first, ideas were not coalesced into a mission statement to give the 1st designer, second, the designer was all about sales plants-plants-plants with drifts, incurves, outcurves, foundation plantings, no thought given to garden rooms, focal points on axis, making the garden part of the house, nor flow throughout the entire property, and a color trinity never applied.
Hope this helps, if you are DIY, or considering hiring a Garden Designer.
Garden & Be Well, XOT
Do you think, in a zillion years, I wanted to design a conservatory so I could get it in a magazine, 2 magazines, onto the cover of a magazine, it would happen? Nevah. Why did this conservatory go viral? I had fun, Muse had fun, clients had fun, client's Muse had fun. F-U-N Once client's had their plan, it was obvious, pack your mobile office and get out of the way !!
I loved this right off the bat! Absolutely beautiful and I can see why it was published several times.
Have a nice long Memorial Day weekend ~ FlowerLady
You must be so proud to have been published.
A lady that thinks out of the box.
You are one of the few that has left a footprint on earth.
You can sleep well. Keep it up.
when I first saw this post and photo, it was during one of those computer not cooperating phases. photo is Beautiful and snowball bushes are among my favorite.
(are you cringing that I didn't call them their correct name?)
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