Look closely, below. This Tara Turf is under fruit trees, an orchard. Heightening the visual pun, but I'm easily amused (enriched?) by such.
Under an orchard Tara Turf is also a guild. Quickly, a guild is a mix of plantings attractive to pollinators which will increase crop yield by 80%, more here, and here.
Pic, above, here.
Cecil Beaton, below, on his Tara Turf.
Pic, above, here.
Barefoot. Smart man.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
Beloved is a brave man. Mowing our Tara Turf too l-o-w. Walking from the chicken coup, across a meadow of blooming Tara Turf, early this month, I thought to myself, "Cannot believe this is my life." Within 24 hours Beloved mowed it all away. All.
Men on mowers make me uneasy. From such a height, the world is reduced to "green stuff", rather than clovers,violets,dandelions, chickweed. All of which nourish our young poultry and pigs. Arriving at the same time in spring, creation's provisions. Truth be told, we are also nourished by these "weeds". Lisa
Perhaps your Beloved is of similar opinion to mine, that he would not want his darling threatened by venomous creatures in the grass. We 'discuss' this every year. I promise to wear my snake boots. We do see snakes from time to time, so he always wins, at least in the areas near the house. And the biting insects lean on his side of the argument, against their own interests.
OH< THOSE HUSBANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CANNOT live with them CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHY do they NOT GET OUR VISIONS!!!!!!!!!XX
Magpi.....you are correct, bingo !! Snakes an issue. However, 2ndary issue for Beloved. He's a turf man, monoculture & short.....
Of course, right !!
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