The house needs painting, the orange brick never looked 'right' with the white trim. Yesterday, I chose new colors for trim, shutters, gutters, porte-cochere ceiling. and the front door. (Shutters will be Iron Mountain, #9, below.)

Pic, above, here.
Her proclivity for birdhouses and interesting garden subsidiary focal points, will be removed. House & garden simplified to their bones, creating a boutique hotel 'feel', "Welcome, it's beautiful here, everything is done for you, relax, enjoy the good food, sleeping here a heaven, etc."

Pic, above, here.
A woman with many incredible collections, most will be boxed, much donated, little will remain, below.

Pic, above, here.
The process is stressful upon many layers, chiefly, the unknowns. Once staged, I told her she will miss the more personal art/photos that are in storage, yet once moved, she will prefer living in the 'staged' type decor, with some of the personal tossed back in. More, she will not regret anything donated. And to expect, once their new home is bought, to be able to donate more furniture & 'stuff', and finally, once moved in a few more things can be donated. Culling has a definite pattern over time. Ironic, 'seeing' at each layer is quite clear, yet all layers cannot be seen up front, it is the unknowns at play.
I asked if she was willing to sell all of her furniture/rugs/art if the buyer offered. Whoa, her 'yes' was fast, and with a smile. Good, that helps in the staging and what goes into storage.
She has a day job, they own their own business, and her grown children's/grandchildren's stuff-stored-at-mom's must be downsized to zero. Most of her husband's downsizing she'll be in charge of. Both facts a layer of stress. I told her, though she's the boss of this move, she's going to need her family pulling together as a team. Huge pause then laughter. She knows it will be herding butterflies.
She's already begun the process, and it's a wild chaos. We walked her entire interior and garden, discussing keep/donate/store. A good morning. Now she knows the chaos is not reigning, it's merely part of the process. Too easy to feel overwhelmed and not in control.
This has been a wild spring for clients calling and telling me they are downsizing. Then, worse, a friend, really 5 friends stopped for my garden/lunch last Monday & no I didn't make lunch we went to a charming cafe in the town square, told me one of my favorite gardeners, Helen Dillon, in Ireland, will be downsizing & moving. Helen's garden was the only reason I went to Ireland to study historic gardens. I'm still processing the potential loss of Helen's garden, you can see it here
Garden & Be Well, XO T
My question is, "Why"?
Why must we downsize? Why get rid of what has surrounded us through the years?
I too live in my "forever home" and have lived here for over 40 years. Throughout these years I have changed things and purged and tweaked as the toddlers became teenagers and as the teenagers grew up and now have homes of their own, but I couldn't bear to box things up and move.
It's a modest house, not a mansion by any means, but it is our home, my children's home and my grandchildren's home. It has stories to tell and lessons to teach the new generations.
How sad we would be if we couldn't live out the rest of our lives here!
Oh, please, please post pix (with her permission, of course) once the exterior is painted. It sounds lovely!
You wear so many hats so well. It's hard to see old friends going thru this time in life, watching it happen to my Mothers friends and it makes me feel old.
Would love to know the name of the charming cafe.
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