Site the first garden room, using the world's most used template, see previous post, from inside your home. Once your 1st garden room is sited, repeat, repeat, repeat. Play with rectangles, squares, ovals, circles & more, adding enfilades.
Need a lawn? That is your Lawn Room or Meadow or Playing Field or Pasture whichever endeavor best suits your 'lawn' needs.
With this drawing, below, everyone is an expert garden designer. Intuitively knowing what is a tree/shrub/groundcover/stone/gravel/focal point on axis/double axis/flow.
Most important, this is the order of designing your garden, shapes. No worries about specific plants at this phase. Shape, then specific plants.
USA has the Extension Service for best plant choices/zone. Outside of USA visit nearby old good gardens, and botanical gardens.

Pic, above, via Jala Gardens.
Worst garden design question to ask at the beginning? What plant goes here?
Our ca. 1900 American farmhouse is at the start of the Garden Design phase. Garden rooms & flow. We must flow via foot/car/tractor/gator, and I must have an orchard, potager, shrubbery, vistas, pleasure walks, garden house, chicken coop, vined arbor for harvest table. The garden must have something coming into bloom every 2 weeks, ease of maintenance, and make me think, 'Oh WOW', each time I look outside any window of our home, zero watering, chemicals, fertilizing, deer proof, provide a tasty tidbit for the table throughout the year, more than Earth friendly, wildlife friendly, a garden of stewardship, enriching in waves beyond my soul.
Topics inherent within this mission statement? Increased property value, decreased HVAC expense, happier days, stewardship.
Read all of the above, again, with laser precision about property value, decreased HVAC expense, and ease of maintenance. I went after all of the above, for the love of gardens, instead found many of the truths in a simple phrase, G*d almighty first created a garden. Won't go into that rabbit hole now, instead, money. 2015 was my year for several real estate sales, for myself & others, fast and at market value, with several perks added. No, I'm not a realtor. The homes were staged inside/outside. All of the above skills put money in my pocket, and my friends pockets too.
I was gardening to follow my bliss, in addition, much later, a great deal later, discovered I was following the money too. Thinking of selling your home in the next 3 years? Stage it now, live in the joy/beauty, reap a larger sales price. Have your cake, eat it too.
Not selling your home? Create a beautiful garden, for you, Earth, friends/family. Beautiful easier living.
Garden & Be Well, XOT
I love looking at landscape designs like that - especially when they are watercolored. our initial plan worked out good, but 20 years later our accent trees have died, gotten too big for the space, etc. now i'm depressed!
Great post that is making me rethink putting in a sprinkler system into the garden of my new house, which is what everyone here recommends.I wish I had someone like to you, Tara, to help design my garden here in the Seattle area. That would be a dream :) I am finding it so hard to get started. Even trying to imagine how the garden should be is hard and a bit overwhelming. But I do enjoy your posts!
This article about plant design is so much informative. Here i see a lots of information and also befits of plants. I took help from plant design Calgary, Alberta and they did really awesome work.
Its a great pleasure reading this post. Want to share with another useful article
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