Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Cannot wait for my client to finish their wall & send a pic.
A previous contractor told me (with attitude), at a jobsite, this type of wall could not be built, "It has to be mortared." Should have quit using him with that job. But he was young & I thought I was mentoring. Alas. Months later 2 women clients (they don't know each other) called me in the same week, using the same word, misogynist, about this contractor. I'm sure he's missing my referrals.
Copy brilliance...I do...I copy you!
Finding your blog has been pure joy for my family. We began a garden 3 years ago and enjoy courting the "deliciousness"of every moment! Your amazing insight and experience has proved valuable. Thank you once again.
~Happy Discovering
Probably shows similar respect to other designers, including us males! I think I've worked with his ilk a few too many times!
I LOVE this- I did something similar in our dry creek. So much more organic without mortar!
Will you share pictures when they're done?
Yes! Yes to listening to your gut. Some men cannot be rehabed and I don't want their spirit in my garden or my home. And yes to non-mortared walls. Here in Kansas where we have such fluctuating temperatures and clay soil, mortar cracks...drystack carries the load.
I have done a couple of dry laid stone walls myself and have had wonderful compliments from stone masons. Presently I'm having a log cabin built and am having no end of personality problems between the all male workers. They come to me with complaints about the contractor, the contractor does not communicate well with them or with me. Only the foundation is in now, should I keep him or fire him. Finding someone to build a log cabin in the middle of summer . . .
I don't put up with that male dominance thing for one New York minute. I work in a male dominated profession but castration has become my tool in the trade. No pun intended.
Love your blog. Ann
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