Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Landscape design with fabulosity & Bad To The Bone means what it's supposed to! Pics via Belgard catalogue, which you can order online at their site.
If you are handy Belgard outdoor kitchens are a DIY project.
Puppet Barbuda has a theory about bad Landscape Design (poor darling Puppet Barbuda, offended at the least infraction to her profession) in landscape marketing materials. Testosterone-on-wheels-mow-blow-go does most of the purchasing & construction. Companies cater to who is at THEIR cash register.
Puppet Barbuda wants companies to cater to who generates many of their sales. Why overlook the Landscape Designer? Why overlook women, typically age 50+, putting in fabulous landscapes? Do you think women don't do hardscape? Do you think they don't grill? It's already known women are the dominate purchasers at nurseries.
Puppet Barbuda thinks it's odd to sell a product bashing an industry, Landscape Design, that will raise sales figures. Puppet Barbuda wants to know, Is There Anybody Out There?
FYI, I spoke with the fabulous guys from Belgard while lecturing at the St. Louis, MO, Home/Garden show earlier this month. Was totally Puppet Barbuda with them. Guess what? They listened. Hmm, no worries, Puppet Barbuda will keep at it, ha, just in case they were placating her.
So many ideas here- thanks for sharing!
I just want to find a way and a place to put my small grill......
Amen, sister! As a 61 year old DIY who has terraced her entire 1/3 acre with stone and drystacked steps, I have grown weary of the "little lady" comments. Last spring I was putting the final touches on planting in my front yard terraces, a man (in a pickup of course) stopped by to ask who my mason was. I said, "I was." He could not stop laughing!
And while you go after Belgard, how about ripping into the mfg of tools like leaf hogs that make the the hose too long for us shorter patrons and make the connections infernally hard to open for those of us with aging hands! You go girl!
Love those Belgard outdoor kitchens but also wondering..does Puppet Barbuda have a fan club? I'll join.
I would love a strong hardscape addition to the current garden like the outdoor kitchens pictured. Most unfortunately, the amount of time per year I could enjoy it without snow on the ground is approxiametly five minutes. Maybe it could double as yard art the other 11.5 months of the year?
Oh to live somewhere warm!
The first photo is the best outdoor kitchen design for me. What’s good about having an outdoor kitchen is that you can experience the fresh air and bask in a wonderful view while cooking your favorite dish! Now, isn’t that very inspiring?
It’s really a privilege to have a wide outdoor space! That’s why when you have a more than enough space, you have make full use of it! Whatever you choose to set up, whether an outdoor kitchen, a deck, a fireplace, or a swimming pool, be sure that it is the family’s consensus.
-Angelina Garcia
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