A wood gate would harbor surprises: possum, snake, person.
Would add 3 cobblestones at base of vine, keeping gravel away.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
A new home in Mixson, Charleston, SC.
No space, none, is left undone in the best gardens.
I like the colored wall, of course!
Agreed on the iron gate over wood, plus wood not always good in hotter, sunnier places. We could do whole books on the subject of garden edits!
What kind fo vine?
I agree Tara...I'd like to be able to see a bit better through it but still have that space elegantly hidden. An iron gate would look wonderful there. Love the vine too. I don't like the gravel..your idea is much better.
I hope you're enjoying the sunshine!
Maura :)
What kind of vine is that?...very pretty.
Beautiful and brilliantly functional, just like the author.
Definitely don't want places for snakes to hide):- And trash cans definitely belong on hardscape.
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