Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
In your home, what wall/artwork sums you up? When I lecture I always bring a large fabric for the stage, antique wicker roller basket, the books I've written, an easel; creating a still life. Subtle metaphors for who I am. Creating ME in whatever venue I lecture, taking ownership of my little spot. It's not about me, it's asking, "How would YOU own this little bit of stage?"
That is what creating a landscape is, it's summing up who YOU are. Your choices of what to put in, what to leave out. Landscapes speak volumes.
Pic taken yesterday at Hedgerow Farm.
Oh I think that's so true Tara! I've had people tell me that about our little cottage in the city and also about our little cottage here in the country. When my daughters came to visit the first time to our home in the city they both said as soon as they got out of the car..."this is so YOU Mom!". What a wonderful comment to hear from your own daughters. Anyway...hopefully one day people will think that when they pull into our little farm one day. I love what you said you did at your lectures...perfect way to get your point across. Hope your day is a good one...we've got freezing rain and then snow coming...yuck.
Maura :)
Tara! That is such a smart and creative idea. And I plan to implement it the next time I am public speaking--I don't do so much anymore but I certainly hope to; I love it!
What sums me up in my home? This is a bit difficult to answer as I think there is no one thing. Maybe it is the home in its entirety. The spirit of it. The art on the walls. The colors of the walls. The wallpaper. The books. The furniture. The small garden out the window. The bird-feeders. The pots and pans. It is spirit. It is love.
Tara, I love this post! Two questions that will have me going for sometime. You have put landscaping into perfect perspective as well. It truly is summing up 'who you are', you are right, it does speak volumes.
I am going to print this post out...you have given me quite a bit to think about today..taking ownership of my little spot and deciding what to put in it. There is a lot of power in those words!
Jeanne xx
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