1st cup of tea in my Conservatory, below. Already hiding, via camera angle, an important necessity.

Switch plate to the chandelier, below. A necessity, but look at it? Not.

Old ironstone, below, with a lovely pattern named, Summertime.

Oh my, another book idea. Before/after pics of hiding necessities around home/garden.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Did you notice the gravel floor, top pic, under the table? I know, the lamps need shades. Found the lamps, $20 for the pair at my local thrift store. Love the giant Spode tea cups/saucers: tea, broth, soups, cereal....
We could hide them, some of them at least, with Photoshop :)
Nice idea, except if you are clumsy like me...eventually, one would break the plate, and the switch is still there! Gravel floor very good.
But where is the fireplace or wood burning stove for the fire you mention?
Wishing you a lovely holiday week, Tara!
And some things are more difficult to hide than others.
Absolutely perfect place for tea. Happy New Year!
Tara, obviously you forgot to paint it. I know matching the colour is not easy but at least it won't be so obvious.
Still waiting for my invitation...
Happy wonderful New Year!
hi Tara!
Happy New Year! Your conservatory is Gorgeous!
Yes, switchplates, outlet covers are one of my decorating pet peeves... mainly people who leave them white! That's a great idea with the plate. You could also get a wood cover and stain it the wall color and it would totally go away... I promise!
Love the chanelier!
all the best,
Dear Tara,
Happy New Year 2011
I cross my fingers for your new book ideas!
Tara your conservatory looks amazing...switchplate and all. I have stained outlet covers in my walnut paneled den, and Joan is right, you don't notice them at all. Wishing you a Happy New Year!!
Oh Tara your conservatory is looking wonderful! I'm way behind in reading my favorite blogs so I need to go back and see more of what I missed...congratulations though!
Maura :)
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